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The main goal of the Master’s program “International Relations” (1,8 academic years, 120 credits) is a complex and detailed teaching of the International Relations System’s formation and evolution, its most significant elements, instruments, interactions and interdependencies.

The proposed Master’s study focuses on detailed analysis of key features and characteristics of the History and Theory of International Relations as well as Topical Problems of the present World Politics and Economy.

The Curriculum includes the realization of some important objectives, and namely: studying of the Subject and Methodological Basics of the History and Theory of International Relations, analysis of the leading research Tendencies and Schools of the modern Theory of International Relations, characterization of the most important periods and stages of the System of International Relations development, consideration of the main approaches to the Foreign Policies analysis in a historical Retrospective and at the present stage, research of the geopolitical, social, cultural and economical aspects of the History and Theory of International Relations, and defining of main approaches to the contemporary analysis of place and the role of Conflict in the modern International Relations.

The academic courses of the Master’s program consider different problems of the Foreign Policies formation and realization based on such important categories as National Interests and Foreign Policy Priorities. It includes also studying of the basic Theories of Decision-making in Foreign Policy as well as analysis of the characteristics and backgrounds of Integration and Disintegration processes in the International Relations at the beginning of the XXI century.

Main academic courses:

  • Urgent Problems of World Politics
  • Theories of World Political Development
  • Geopolitics

Faculty and Department Supervisors: Mechislau Chasnouski, Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Science (History) and Andrey Selivanov, Deputy Dean, Candidate of Science (History).

Core Teaching Staff: Alexandr Baichorov, Professor, Doctor of Science (Philosophy); Elena Dostanko, Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Political Studies); Vladislav Froltsov, Professor, Doctor of Science (History); Irina Kovyako, Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (History); Dmitriy Shevelyov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (History); Feras Salloum, Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (History).

In 2014—2018 the Master’s program “History of International Relations and Foreign Policy” joined students from different states and regions, and namely China, Geoirgia, India, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan.