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Department of International Tourism and Hospitality
Senior Lecturer

Graduated the Geography Department of the Belarusian State University, specialty «Geography», specialization«Local studies and the organization of tourist and excursion work».

Master of Science (master's degree of BSU, 2000).

 Since 2000she has worked as a lecturer, senior lecturer of the Department of Economic Geography of Foreign Countries of the Faculty of Geography of BSU. Since 2017 - senior lecturer of the Department of International Tourism of the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University.

 Author of more than 70 scientific and educational publications. In the years 2006-2008was included in the collectives of the authors of reference and information publications «Tourist Encyclopedia of Belarus», «Tourist regions of Belarus», «Resorts and health resorts of Belarus». In 2013-2016 years was a member of the groups of the authors of the publications: «Geographic Atlas of the Teacher» (including sections «World Economy», «Recreation, Sports and Tourism»), atlas «Belarus in Map» (Belarus - Hungary,section«Tourism and Recreation». Takes an active part in the development of educational materials commissioned by RUE "Belkartografiya". In 2018-2021 years was included in the collectives of the authors of 4 educational visual aids - wall maps for secondary and higher schools (educational economic map "South America", "Agriculture of the world", "Grain crops of the world", wall geographical map "Recreational resources of the world").

Sphere of professional interests: geography of tourism, excursion tourism, organization of health-resort services.


 Training seminar «Marketing strategy of a health-resort institution. Technology of effective sales», PTUE«Travel Industry» (October 17, 16 - October 21, 16, Minsk);

 Annual scientific and practical seminars «Improving the efficiency of the implementation of health-resort services», PRPUE «Automated tourism technologies», Naroch, Minsk;

 Training «Interpretation of Heritage in Green Tourism» (organizers - European Heritage Interpretation Association, Belarusian Association «CountryEscape»), Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, June 2016.

Educational training "Interpretation of cultural heritage" (organizers - National Association of Heritage Interpretation of the USA, BHA "Rest in the Village"), Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, June 2017.

Courses taught:
Organization of services of the sanatorium-resort complex
• Training program

Excursion tourism
Curriculum http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/232696

Event Marketing
Training and metodology complex

Economic social geography of foreign countries
Curriculum https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/255406

Monuments of history and culture of the Republic of Belarus (seminar classes)



  1. Reshetnikova A.N. Recreational potential of water resources of Mogilev region and features of its use / A.N. Reshetnikova // Geography of Mogilev region: Monograph / editors: I. I. Pirojnik, I.N. Sharuho .- Mogilev: Mogilev State  A. Kuleshov University, 2004. - P.199-205
  2. Reshetnikova A.N. Perspective directions of using cultural and historical potential of water bodies of the Republic of Belarus / A.N. Reshetnikova // Geography: problems of teaching.-2005. - No. 3.- P. 3 - 7
  3. Reshetnikova A.N. Specifics of using the resource potential of the lake and river territorial recreational systems of Belarus / A.N. Reshetnikova // Natural Resources: Interagency Bulletin. - 2006. - No. 2.- P.84-92
  4. Reshetnikova A.N. Priority directions of complex use of recreational potential of water bodies of Belarus / A.N. Reshetnikova // Tourism and regional development. Edition 4. Collection of scientific articles. - Smolensk: Universum, 2006. - P.294-299
  5. Reshetnikova A.N. Mogilev region. Resort, recreational and medical resources / A.N. Reshetnikova // Resorts and health resorts of Belarus / Editor: Y.M. Dosin, I. I. Pirojnik. - Minsk: Belarus. Encyclopedia of P. Brouki, 2008. - P.173-176
  6. Reshetnikova A.N. Lithuania / A.N. Reshetnikova // Tourist encyclopedia of Belarus / gen. ed. I.I. Pirojnik - Minsk: Belarus. Encyclopedia of P. Brooke, 2007. - P.292-294
  7. Reshetnikova A.N. Mogilev region / A.Reshetnikova // Tourist regions of Belarus / gen. ed. I.I. Pirojnik. - Minsk: Belarus. Encyclopedia of  P. Brouki, 2008. - P. 487-494
  8. Reshetnikova A.N. Resource potential and features of the development of ecological tourism in the Mogilev region / A.N. Reshetnikova // Pskov Regional Journal, 2009.-№7 -P.103-109
  9. Reshetnikova A.N. Water tourism / A.N. Reshetnikova // Competitiveness of the tourist complex of the Republic of Belarus: monograph / E.G. Kireenko, D.G. Reshetnikov, A.I. Tarasenok and others; gen. ed. E.G.Kireenko, D.G.Reshetnikova.- Minsk: BSPU, 2010. - P.183-187
  10. Reshetnikova A.N. Structural features of the development of sanatorium and resort facilities of the Mogilev region. / A.N. Reshetnikova. / / Problems of sustainable development of the regions of the Republic of Belarus and neighboring countries: a collection of scientific papers of the II International scientific and practical conference / editors: I.N. Sharuho, I.I. Pirojnika, I.I. Barinovoy. - Mogilev: "Moscow State University named after A.A. Kuleshov ", 2012. - Part 2. - p.67-70
  11. Reshetnikova A.N., Development of the health care system in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe / A.N. Reshetnikova, V.M. Zaytsev. // Bulletin of BSU. – Part 2.- 2012. - No. 2.- p.89-94
  12. Reshetnikova A.N. Structural features of the development of the sanatorium and resort complex of the Republic of Belarus // Geographical sciences ensuring the strategy of sustainable development in the context of globalization (dedicated to the centennial of Professor N.T. Romanovsky): Intern. scientific-practical. conf. proceedings - Minsk: BSU, 2012, p.197-200
  13. Reshetnikova A.  Current trends in the development of the network of sanatorium and resort services in Belarus and Ukraine / A. Reshetnikova // Geographic Science and Practice: Calls of the Era: Intern. scientific-practical. conf. proceedings, 3 Volumes. / Editors: V.I. Bilaniuk, E.A. Ivanov. - Lviv: Publishing Center LNU. I.Franka, 2013. - Book 3.- p.225-229
  14. Reshetnikova A., Sanatorium and resort facilities of Belarus / D. Reshetnikov, A. Reshetnikova, // Science and Innovations. Scientific and Practical Journal. - 2013. - No. 7 (125) - p. 24-28.
  15. Reshetnikova A., Pilgrimage and excursions of religious themes / I.Trifonova, A. Reshetnikova, // Science and Innovations. Scientific and Practical Journal. - 2013. - No. 7 (125) - p.28-32.
  16. Reshetnikova A.N. Territorial organization of tourism and recreation in the capital region of the Republic of Belarus / V.М. Zaitsev, A.N. Reshetnikova, I.K. Trifonova // Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography. Geology = Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology. - 2017. - No. 1. - p. 109-120
  17. Reshetnikova A.N. Socio-economic factors of the development of medical and health tourism in the regions of Belarus (on the example of the Minsk region) // Tourism and regional development: collection of scientific papers. Edition 10. - Smolensk: Universum, 2017. - P. 195-200.
  18. Reshetnikova A. Recreation and tourism / Pirojnik, I., Zaytsev, V., Reshetnikova, A., Trifonova, I. / Belarus in Maps - Edited by DávidKarácsonyi, KárolyKocsis, ZsoltBottlik. Budapest: Geographical Institute Research Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Hungarian, Academy of Sciences Budapest, 2017. - P.157
  19. Reshetnikova A.N., Yaroshevich V.A. Innovative aspects of the development of gastronomic tourism in Italy // Tourism in the modern world: problems and perspectives: a collection of scientific articles of the V International scientific and practical conference, November 8, 2017 / Tula State University -Tula, 2017 (in press)
  20. Reshetnikova A.N. Rudenkova N.A. Analysis of the Russian segment of consumers of sanatorium and resort services in the Republic of Belarus // Modern problems and technologies in the sphere of service, tourism, hotel business, state and municipal management: a collection of papers of the 1st All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of students, graduate students and young scientists with international participation / Southern Federal University. - Rostov-on-Don - Taganrog, - 2017 - p.488-492

Conference proceedings:

  1. Reshetnikova A.N., Rudenkova N.A. Use of Internet technologies in promoting the sanatorium and spa product of the Republic of Belarus // Trends and problems of the tourism and hospitality industry development: materials of the 4th Interregional scientific and practical conference, October 17, 2017 / RSU of S.A. Yesenin. - Ryazan, 2017 - p. 150-153
  2. Reshetnikova A.N. Shtanko P.S. The role of the capital city in the structure of the national tourist product (on the example of Minsk) // Belarus in the modern world: materials of ХV Intern. conf. dedicated to  95th anniversary of the formation of  BSU, Minsk, October 27, 2016 - editor: V.G. Shadursky[et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2016. - P.254-256.

Teaching aids:

  1. Reshetnikova A.N. Introduction to socio-economic geography: workshop for students of the Faculty of Geography / Editor: A.Reshetnikova.- Minsk: BSU, 2006. - 43 p.
  2. Reshetnikova A.N. Methods of geographical research: a workshop for students of the Faculty of Geography, specialisation 1-31 02 01 Geography / N.K. Klitsunova, T.A. Fedortsova, A.N. Reshetnikova .-Mn .: BSU, 2005. -73 p.
  3. Reshetnikova A.N. A wall map for the secondary school "Agriculture of the World" / Zaitsev V.M., Reshetnikova A.N. - Mn .: RUE "Belcardografiya", 2004 p.p. (2nd edition, 2010)
  4. Reshetnikova A.N. Wall map «South America. Economic Map» Zaitsev V.M., Reshetnikova A.N. - Mn .: RUE "Belcardografiya", 2007. 3.42 p.p. (2nd edition, 2017)
  5. Wall map "South-East Asia. Economic map »/ Fedortsova T.A., Reshetnikova A.N. - Mn .: RUE "Belcardografiya", 2008. 1.5 p.p.
  6. Reshetnikova A.N. World economy. Consumption of primary fuel and energy resources / T.A. Fedortsova, A.N. Reshetnikova // Geographical Atlas for Teachers: A Handbook for Teachers of General Secondary Education Institutions / State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk: Belcardography, 2016. - P.98
  7. Reshetnikova A.N. World economy. Power engineering / T.A. Fedortsova, A.N. Reshetnikova // Geographical Atlas for Teachers: A Handbook for Teachers of General Secondary Education Institutions / State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk: Belcardography, 2016. - P.98
  8. Reshetnikova A.N. World economy. Ferrous metallurgy //T.A. Fedortsova, A.N. Reshetnikova // Geographical Atlas for Teachers: A Handbook for Teachers of General Secondary Education Institutions / State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk: Belcardography, 2016. - P.101
  9. Reshetnikova A.N. World economy. Non-ferrous metallurgy / T.A. Fedortsova, A.N. Reshetnikova // Geographical Atlas for Teachers: A Handbook for Teachers of General Secondary Education Institutions / State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk: Belcardography, 2016. - P.102
  10. Reshetnikova A.N. World economy. Chemical Industry / T.A. Fedortsova, A.N. Reshetnikova // Geographical Atlas for Teachers: A Handbook for Teachers of General Secondary Education Institutions / State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk: Belcardography, 2016. - P.103
  11. Reshetnikova A.N. World economy. Mechanical engineering /Т.А. Fedortsova, A.N. Reshetnikova // Geographical Atlas for Teachers: A Handbook for Teachers of General Secondary Education Institutions / State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk: Belcardography, 2016. - P.104-105
  12. Reshetnikova A.N. World economy. Light industry. Fedortsova, A.N. Reshetnikova // Geographical Atlas for Teachers: A Handbook for Teachers of General Secondary Education Institutions / State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk: Belcardography, 2016. - P.108
  13. Reshetnikova A.N. World economy. Food Industry / T.A. Fedortsova, A.N. Reshetnikova // Geographical Atlas forTeachers: A Handbook for Teachers of General Secondary Education Institutions / State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk: Belcardography, 2016. - P.107
  14. Reshetnikova A.N. Republic of Belarus. Tourist infrastructure / A.N. Reshetnikova, D.G. Reshetnikov // Geographical Atlas for Teachers: A Handbook for Teachers of General Secondary Education Institutions / State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk: Belcardografiya, 2016. - P.344
  15. Reshetnikova A.N. Republic of Belarus. Sports infrastructure / A.N. Reshetnikova, D.G. Reshetnikov // Geographical Atlas for Teachers: A Handbook for Teachers of General Secondary Education Institutions / State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Minsk: Belcardografiya, 2016. - P.344
  16. Reshetnikova A.N. Organization of sanatorium and resort facilities [Electronic resource] / A.Reshetnikova: Study program for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management, specialty 1-26 02 02-06 Management of International Tourism / EBU BSU: : TECHNICAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES. INDUSTRIES OF ECONOMICS: Domestic trade. Tourist and excursion maintenance. Access mode: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/169549
Contacts: tel.: +375 17 209 57 43, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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