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 Readable disciplines assigned to the Department of International Tourism and Hospitality

1 course:

Economic and social geography of foreign countries
Theoretical foundations of management
Geography of tourism in Belarus
Fundamentals of research work (f)

2 course:

Accounting and audit [Economics of the organization (enterprise)]
Quality Management [Organization Management]
Geography of international tourism
Information technologies for ensuring business processes of a tourist enterprise
Corporate culture and personnel management of an enterprise in the field of international tourism and hospitality
Internet communications in international tourism
DVS Monuments of history and culture of Belarus
DVS Cultural heritage in tourism
Economics of the organization (enterprise)
Management organizationOrganization of services of the sanatorium-resort complex
Excursion tourism
Marketing in international tourism
Fundamentals of International Tourism and Hospitality

3 course:

Accounting and management accounting
Economics of international tourism
DVS Advertising and PR in international tourism
DVS Hospitality Management
s / c Organization of a sanatorium and resort economy
s/c Geopolitical foundations of security in international tourism
Tourist enterprise management
Accounting and management accounting
Marketing in tourism
International market of services
DVS Ecotourism
DVS Excursion tourism
s/c Fundamentals of business image
s/c Intercultural communications
s/c Practice of organization of inclusion tourism (in white language)
s/c Project management in tourism

4 course:

Strategic management
Regional planning in tourism
DVS Revenue-management in the hotel business
DVS Development and management of international projects
Anti-crisis management of the enterprise
s/c Economics of hotels and restaurants
s/c DVS Management Destination Marketing (in English)
s / c ICE Business planning
c/c Interpretation of cultural and natural heritage in tourism
International Business Framework
The practice of organizing inclusion tourism (in white language)

Master's degree:

Project management
Strategic management
Information technology in business
DVS Theory and Practice of Negotiation
Entrepreneurial activity in the field of MSM
Event Marketing
HR management
Organization and management of the volunteer movement
Environmental management
Financial management of event mass events
Destination Branding
Hospitality and MSM industry
Inclusive approaches in the organization of mass events (in English)
Safety in the organization of MSM
DVS MICE-tourism
Business image of a manager

Management of inbound and outbound tourism - MVVT
Management of agro- and ecological tourism - MAET
Hospitality Management - MG


2 course
Tourism enterprise economics

3 course
Tourist enterprise management

Coursework Topics_ 2022-2023

4 course
Coursework on the cycle of disciplines of specialization

Coursework Topics 2022-2023


  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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