Collective books:
- Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ecotourism in Belarus / L.M. Gaidukevich [et al.]; Editor: L.M. Gaidukevich, S.A. Khomich. - Minsk: BSU, 2008. - 351 p.
- Rural tourism in Belarus: current status and development prospects / Ya.I. Anoshko [et al.]; Editor: A. Klitsunova. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2011. - 220 p.
Articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals:
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Tools for managing the development of ecological tourism in the regions of the world / O.S. Mozgovaya // Belarusian Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2004. - №. 2. - P. 90-95.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Modern motivations for the development of ecological tourism and mechanisms for its regulation / О.S. Mozgovaya // Belarusian Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2005. - №. 4. - P. 96-100.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Development of ecological tourism in the PAs of Belarus is the basis for regional development / О.S. Mozgovaya // Book section of the Brest University. Series of humanistic and grammarian influences. - 2006. - №. 2 (26). - p. 70-76.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Methodology for calculating the "Ecological Footprint" of Belarus on the basis of international experience / О.S. Mozgovaya // Humanitarian and economic book section. - 2006. - №. 2 (34). - P. 114-126.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Application of the concept of "ecological footprint" for the calculation of reserves of ecological capacity in order to determine the recreational load in the national parks of Belarus / O.S. Mozgovaya // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2007. - №. 2 (41). - P. 85-93.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Tourist multiplier in assessing the economic contribution of ecological tourism to the development of the region / O.S. Mozgovaya // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2009. - №. 2 (49). - P. 85-90.
- Mozgovaya, O.S., Sivokha, K.V. Analysis of the current state and development trends of the leasing services market in the Republic of Belarus / О.S. Mozgovaya, K.V. Sivokha // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2014. - №. 3. - P. 73-79.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Theoretical and practical aspects of integral assessment of trends and consequences of development of ecotourism / О.S. Mozgovaya // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2017. - №. 1-2. - P. 130-135.
Articles in foreign scientific journals:
- Mozgovaya, O. S.Financing Structure of the Belarusian National Park Belovezhskaya Pusha / O.S. Mozgovaya, Laurentsyeva // Economic Review of Tourism / Faculty of Economics Matej Bel University. – Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, 2011. – Issue 44. № 2. – p. 107-117.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Price Policy in Nature Protection Institutions / O.S. Mozgovaya, Yaltykhau // Economic Review of Tourism/ Faculty of Economics Matej Bel University. – Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, 2013. –Issue 46. № 1. – p. 30-41.
Articles in peer-reviewed collection of scientific works:
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Development of ecological tourism in the Minsk region / О.S. Mozgovaya // Proceedings of the Faculty of International Relations. Issue. 1: collection of scientific papers - Minsk: Theseus, 2010. - p. 122-126.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Evaluation of the investment attractiveness of the hotel sector of the Republic of Belarus / O.S. Mozgovaya, N.A. Lavrentieva // Proceedings of the Faculty of International Relations. Issue. 2: collection of scientific papers - Minsk: Theseus, 2011. - P. 88-94.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Assessment of the effectiveness of financial and economic activities of the GPU "National Park" Narochansky "/ O.S. Mozgovaya, Т.В. Verenich // Proceedings of the Faculty of International Relations. Issue. 3: collection of scientific papers - Minsk: Theseus, 2012. - P. 169-175.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Formation of support by the local population for the development of ecological tourism: methodology and assessment tools / O.S. Mozgovaya // Proceedings of the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University. Issue. 5: collection of scientific papers - Minsk: BSU, 2014. - P.148-152.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Theoretical and practical aspects of integral assessment of trends and consequences of development of ecotourism / О.S. Mozgovaya // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2017. - №. 1-2. - P. 130-135.
Сonference materials:
- Gaidukevich, L.M. Industrial and scientific tourism as perspective directions in the development of tourism in Belarus / L.M. Gaidukevich, S.A. Khomich, O.S. Mozgovaya // Tourism: Practice, Problems, Perspectives: Proceedings of the International scientific-practical Conference, Minsk, April 11-13, 2001 / N.I. Kabushkin [et al.]. - Minsk: BSEU, 2001. - P. 28-29.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Features of tourism development in the Minsk region. Tourism and regional development / О.С. Mozgovaya // Tourism and regional development: Proceedings of International scientific-practical Conference, Smolensk, May 14-15, 2002 - Smolensk: The Universum, 2002. - P.297-300.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Towards the development of inbound tourism in the Republic of Belarus / О.S. Mozgovaya // Regional problems of socio-economic geography: Proceedings of Republic scientific Conference, Minsk, 28-30 November 2002 - Minsk: BSU, 2002. - P.208-210.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. On the possibilities of sustainable development of tourism in Belarus / OS. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world: The Republican scientific Conference, Minsk, October 22-23, 2002. The BSU. Editor: A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2003. - P. 61-63.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Organization of ecological tourism in the Berezinsky biosphere reserve / O.S. Mozgovaya // Tourism, ecology and sustainable development of regions: Proceedings of International scientific-practical Conference, Tver, 2003, 2003. - P.257-260.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Ecotourism as a basis for the development of domestic tourism / O.S. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world: at the Report scientific Conference, Minsk, December 17-18, 2003 / The BSU; Edidor: A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2004. - P. 94-95.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Use of labor resources of the Belarusian village in the development of ecological tourism / O.S. Mozgovaya // Tourism and regional development: Proceedings of the International scientific-practical Conference, Smolensk, 4-6 October 2004 - Smolensk: Universum, 2004. - P.528-529.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. On the role of ecological tourism in the socio-economic development of the region / O.S. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world: abstracts of Republican scientific Conference, Minsk, October 28-29, 2004. The BSU. Editor: A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2004. - P. 85-87.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Towards an efficient system of ecotourism functioning in Belarus / О.S. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world: Proceedings of Republican scientific Conference, Minsk, September 28, 2005 / The BSU; Editor: A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2005. - P.128-129.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Ecotourism is a priority for inbound tourism development in Belarus / O.S. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world: Proceedings of International scientific Conference dedicated to anniversary of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, November 3, 2006 / BSU ; Editor: A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2007. - P. 220-222.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Towards the development of ecotourism services in specially protected areas / O.S. Mozgovaya // Tourism - new opportunities and perspectives for women: abstracts of scientific-practical Conference, dedicated to World Tourism Day 2007, St. Petersburg, September 25, 2007 - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Foundation, 2007. - P. 30-31.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. On the application of composite indicators as a tool for comparative analysis of the development of international tourism / O.S. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world: Proceedings of VI International scientific Conference, dedicated. Anniversary of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 30, 2007 / BSU; Editor: A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2007. - P. 244-246.
- Mozgovaya, S. Methods of forecasting incoming trips to the Republic of Belarus / О.S. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world: Proceedings of VII International scientific Conference dedicated to Anniversary of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 30, 2008 - Minsk: BSU, 2008. - p. 201-202.
- Gaidukevich, L.M. On the issue of ensuring sustainable development of specially protected territories of territories / L.M. Gaidukevich, O.S. Mozgovaya // Economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: globalization, innovation, sustainability: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical Conference, Minsk, May 20, 2008 - Minsk: BSU, 2008.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Quality and competitiveness of agro-ecotourism in Belarus / О.S. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world: Proceedings of VIII International scientific Conference, dedicated. 88th anniversary of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 30, 2009 / BSU; Editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2009. - P. 210-212.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Investigation of methods for calculating the maximum permissible recreational loads in specially protected natural areas / O.S. Mozgovaya // Eco- and agrotourism: development prospects in local areas: abstracts of International scientific-practical Conference, Baranovichi, 22-23 April 2010 / Editor: V.N. Zuev [et al.]. – Baranovichi 2010. - P. 153-157.
- Mozgovaya, S. Application of the dynamic model of forecasting tourism demand to assess the impact of the financial and economic crisis on the formation of tourist flows to Belarus / O.S. Mozgovaya, Т.В. Mon / / Overcoming the financial and economic crisis: the experience of Germany and Belarus: Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference, Minsk, October 19, 2010 /The Friedrich Ebert foundation[et al.] - Minsk: I.P. Logvinov, 2010. - P. 89-92.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Assessment of local people's support for the development of ecological tourism / O.S. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world: Proceedings of International scientific Conference dedicated to The anniversary of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 30, 2010 / BSU; Editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2010. - P. 190-191.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Development of ecological tourism in the context of globalization and economic integration / O.S. Mozgovaya // Economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: globalization, innovation, sustainability: Proceedings of International scientific-practical Conference, Minsk, May 19-20, 2011 / Minsk: BSU, 2011.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. On the issue of assessing the financial sustainability of the national parks of Belarus / O.S. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world: Proceedings of International scientific Conference dedicated to anniversary of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 28, 2011 / BSU ; edit: V.G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2011. - P. 203-205.
- Gaidukevich, M. Modernization of the structure of training of tourist personnel on the specialization "Management in the field of international tourism", taking into account the experience of the implementation of the Bologna process / L.M. Gaidukevich, L.M. Khukhlyndina, S.A. Khomich, O.S. Mozgovaya, A.O. Danilchenko // Proceedings of for the implementation of the international project TEMPUS. - Vitebsk. Publishing house Vitebsk. University of. P.M. Masherov. - 2011. - P. 111-117.
- Mozgovaya, S. Socio-economic factors of tourism development in the GPU NP "Pripyatsky" / O.S. Mozgovaya // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus currently: Proceedings of the XI International Conference, dedicated to the anniversary of the Belarusian State University, October 30, 2012 / Editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Publishing Center of BSU, 2012. - P. 251-253.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Application of pricing methods in the activities of state environmental institutions / O.S. Mozgovaya // Cognitive tourism in specially protected natural areas: theory, practice and business: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Irkutsk, April 18-21, 2013 / FGBOUVPO "IGU". - Irkutsk: Publishing House of the ISU, 2013. - P. 217-224.
- Mozgovaya, O. S. Financing structure of the Belarussian National Park "Belovezhskaya Pusha" / O.S. Mozgovaya, Laurentsyeva // Cognitive tourism in specially protected natural areas: theory, practice and business: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Irkutsk, April 18-21, 2013 "FGBOUVPO" IGU ". - Irkutsk: Publishing house of the ISU, 2013. - P. 333-343.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Evaluation of the impact of ecological tourism on the social environment // Belarus in the Modern World = Belarus currently: Proceedings of the XII International Conference, dedicated to the anniversary of the Belarusian State University, October 30, 2013 / Editor: V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2013. - P. 235-237.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Analysis of the dynamics and structure of ecotourism arrivals in the GPU "NP" Pripyatsky "// Belarus in the modern world = Belarus currently: Proceedings of the International conference dedicated to the 93rd anniversary of the Belarusian State University, October 30, 2014 / Editor: V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2014. - P. 294-295.
- Mozgovaya, O.S., Yaltykhov, DV Innovative technologies in working with corporate clients of a tourist company / / Belarus in the modern world = Belarus currently: Proceedings of the International Conference on the 93rd anniversary of the Belarusian State University, October 30, 2014 / Editor: VG Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2014. - P. 313-315.
- Khomich, S.A., Mozgovaya, O.S. Contents and matrix structure of the EUMK in the discipline "Geography of international tourism" in ensuring the effectiveness of the learning process. Belarus in the modern world = Belarus currently: Proceedings of International conference dedicated to the 94th anniversary of the Belarusian State University, October 29, 2015. / Editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2015. - P. 251-252.
- Mozgovaya, S. Analysis of the tourist activity of the GPU NP "Pripyatsky" Belarus in the modern world = Belarus currently: Proceedings of XIV International conference dedicated to the anniversary of the Belarusian State University, October 29, 2015 / Editor: V.G. Shadursky [end others ]. - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2015. - P. 238-240.
- Mozgovaya, O.S., Akhramenko E.N. The use of business process automation systems as a factor in increasing the economic efficiency of banks' activities EB Belarus in the modern world = Belarus in the daylight candles: Proceedings of XIV International conference dedicated to the anniversary of the Belarusian State University, October 29, 2015 / Editor V.G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2015. - P.240-241.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Development of inbound tourism in the Republic of Belarus in the context of the Eurasian integration. Belarus in the modern world // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at the daylight candles: Proceedings of ХV International dedicated to the anniversary of the formation of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 27, 2016 – Editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.] - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2016. - P.251-253.
- Mozgovaya, O.S., Sivokha K.V. Use of marketing strategies in promotion of tourist destinations on the example of the USAID project "Local entrepreneurship and economic development". Belarus in the modern world // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus currently: Proceedings of ХV International dedicated to the anniversary of the formation of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 27, 2016 - Editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.] - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2016. - P.253-254.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Development of inbound tourism in the Republic of Belarus in the context of the Eurasian integration. Belarus in the modern world // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus currently: Proceedings of 15th International dedicated to the anniversary of the formation of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 27, 2016 - Editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.] - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2016. - P.251-253.
- Mozgovaya, O.S., Sivokha K.V. Use of marketing strategies in promotion of tourist destinations on the example of the USAID project "Local entrepreneurship and economic development". Belarus in the modern world // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus currently: Proceedings of ХV International dedicated to the anniversary of the formation of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 27, 2016 - Editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.] - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2016. - P.253-254.
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Doing business in the national parks of the United States. Belarus in the Modern World // Belarus in the Modern World = Belarus currently: Proceedings of the International Conference, Minsk, October 25, 2017 - Editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.] - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2017. - (in press)
Educational materials:
- Geography of international tourism: In two parts, part 1: A manual for students of the Faculty of International Relations / L.M. Gaidukevich, S.A. Khomich, V.A. Klitsunov [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2002. - 268 p.
- Geography of international tourism: In two parts, part 2: A manual for students of the Faculty of International Relations / L.M. Gaidukevich, S.A. Khomich, Ya.I. Anoshko [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2003. - 217 p.
- Geography of international tourism. Foreign countries. Training. allowance / Author. composition: L.M. Gaidukevich, S.A. Khomich, V.A. Klitsunov [et al.]. - Minsk: Aversev, 2003. – 304p.
- Geography of international tourism: CIS and Baltic countries: Proc. allowance / Author. composition: L.M. Gaidukevich, S.A. Khomich, Ya.I. Anoshko [et al.]. - Minsk: Aversev, 2004. - 252 p.
- Khomich, S.A. Work program of the course "Geography of international tourism" / S.A. Khomich, L.M. Gaidukevich, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Minsk: BSU, 2003. - 49 p.
- Khomich, S.A. Geography of international tourism in tables graphs and maps. / S.A. Khomich, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Minsk.: Aversev, 2006. - 235 p.
- Khomich, S.A. Control and test tasks for the course "Geography of international tourism" / S.A. Khomich, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Minsk: BSU, 2007. - 105 p.
- Gaidukevich, L.M. Socio-economic geography of foreign countries: the teaching method for students of International relationships special. 1-23 01 01 "International relations", 1-26 02 02 "Management", 1-23 01 01 "Customs business" / L.M. Gaydukevich, N.I. Poleshchuk, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Minsk: BSU, 2007. - 64 p.
- Khomich, S.A. Geography of international tourism: control-test assignments: for students of Faculty International relations, students on special. 1-26 02 02 "Management" (specialization "Management in the field of international tourism") / S.A. Khomich, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Minsk: BSU, 2008. p. 96
- Khomich, S.A. Geography of international tourism. Module Europe: a course of lectures. - Educational and methodological manual for students of the Faculty of International Relations, studying in the specialty 1-26 02 02 "Management" (specialization "Management in the field of international tourism") / S.A. Khomich, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Minsk: BSU, 2010. – 248p.
- Rural tourism in Belarus. Current state and development prospects: the teaching method for students of the Faculty of International Relations, studying in specialty 1-26 02 02 "Management" (specialization "Management in the field of international tourism") / Ya. I. Anoshko [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2010. - 210 p.
- Gaidukevich, L.M. Regional planning in tourism / L.M. Gaidukevich, O.S. Mozgovaya, Y. Kucherova. - Minsk: BSEU, 2011. - 166 p.
- Khomich, S.A. Geography of international tourism. Module America. The course of lectures for students of the Faculty of International Relations, studying in specialty 1-26 02 02 "Management" (specialty 1-26 02 02-06 "Management in the field of international tourism") / S.A. Khomich, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Minsk: BSU, 2012. – 272p.
- Khomich, S.A. Geography of international tourism. Module "Africa": a course of lectures / S.A. Khomich, O.S. Mozgovaya. // Teaching-methodical manual for students of the Faculty of International Relations UMO BSU: Recommended by the educational and methodological association for humanitarian education as a guide for students studying in specialties 1-23 01 12 Museum business and protection of historical and cultural heritage (in the directions), 1-23 81 05 Cultural heritage and tourism, 1-26 02 02 06 Management. - Minsk: BSU, 2013. - 167 p.
- Khomich, S.A. Geography of international tourism. Module "Asia-Pacific macroregion": a course of lectures / S.A. Khomich, O.S. Mozgovaya. // Teaching-methodical manual for students of the Faculty of International Relations UMO BSU: Recommended by the educational and methodological association for humanitarian education as a guide for students studying in specialties 1-23 01 12 Museum business and protection of historical and cultural heritage (in the directions), 1-23 81 05 Cultural heritage and tourism, 1-26 02 02 06 Management. - Minsk: BSU, 2013. - 203 p.
Electronic publications:
- Sustainable development of rural tourism in Belarus: report on research (final) / BSU; Editor: Klitsunova, V.A. Klitsunova, L.M. Gaidukevich, S.A. Khomich, Ya.I. Anoshko, D.G. Reshetnikov, A.O. Danilchenko, O.S. Mozgovaya, N.I. Poleshuk, Т.S. Yakimchuk. - Digital Library of BSU, 2010. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Introduction to the specialty. №. UD-1966 / r. The curriculum for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the specialty: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / O.S. Mozgovaya. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Introduction to the specialty. № 8393 Educational-methodical complex for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the specialty: 1-26 02 02 06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / O.S.Mozgovaya. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Khomich, S.A., Mozgovaya O.S. Geography of international tourism. Module America. The course of lectures for students of the Faculty of International Relations, studying in the specialty 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions), the direction of the specialty 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / S.A. Khomich, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Electronic course of lectures. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Khomich, S.A., Reshetnikov D.G., Mozgovaya O.S. Educational-methodical complex for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the direction of the specialty: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism). Geography of tourism. №. 8394. / S.A. Khomich, D.G. Reshetnikov, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode: -
- Khomich, S.A., Reshetnikov D.G., Mozgovaya O.S. Geography of tourism. №UD-8044 / UCH. The curriculum for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the direction of the specialty: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / S.A. Khomich, D.G. Reshetnikov, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Khomich, S.A., Reshetnikov D.G., Mozgovaya O.S. Geography of tourism. № UD-1968 / r. The curriculum for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the direction of the specialty: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / S.A. Khomich, D.G. Reshetnikov, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Gaidukevich, L.M., Mozgovaya O.S. Economic and social geography of foreign countries. № 8391 Educational-methodical complex for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (by directions) specialty: 1-26 02 02 06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / L.M. Gaydukevich, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Gaidukevich, L.M., Mozgovaya O.S. Economic and social geography. № UD-1984 / the curriculum for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the specialty: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / L.M. Gaydukevich, O.S. Mozgovaya - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Mozgovaya, O.S. International market of services. №UD-1974 / p. The curriculum for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the specialty: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / O.S. Mozgovaya. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Mozgovaya, O.S. International market of services. № UD-8050 / UCH. The curriculum for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the specialty: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / O.S. Mozgovaya. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Mozgovaya, O.S. International market of services. № 8396 Educational-methodical complex for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the specialty: 1-26 02 02 06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / O.S. Mozgovaya. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Mozgovaya, O.S., Poleshchuk N.I. The program of pre-diploma practice. № UD-8425 / UCH. For the specialty 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the specialty: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / O.S. Mozgovaya, N.I. Poleshchuk. - Digital Library of BSU, 2012. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Mozgovaya, O.S., Poleshchuk N.I., Kudryashov N.G. The program of practice for the second stage of higher education. - №. UD-8770 / UCH. The curriculum of the institution of higher education for the specialty: 1-26 80 01 "Management in social and economic systems" / O.S. Mozgovaya, N.I. Poleshchuk. - Electronic library of BSU, 2013. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Danilchenko, A.O., Mozgovaya O.S., Soroko P.O. The program of industrial practice. № UD-906 / UCH. For specialty 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions), specialty: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / A.O. Danilchenko, O.S. Mozgovaya, P.O. Soroko. - Electronic library of BSU, 2014. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Mozgovaya, O.S. Introduction to the specialty. № UD-316 / UCH. The curriculum for the specialty: 1-89 81 02 Innovative management in the field of tourism / O.S. Mozgovaya. - Electronic library of BSU, 2015. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Mozgovaya, O.S. International market of services. № UD-300 / r. The curriculum for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (in the directions) the specialty: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism) / O.S. Mozgovaya. - Electronic library of BSU, 2015. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- To develop recommendations on the formation and promotion of a competitive tourist product of the Belarusian Polesie: a report on scientific research (final) State registration of the year 20120352 / BSU; scientific supervisor D.G. Reshetnikov. / NM. Borisenko-Klepach, D.G. Reshetnikov, L.M. Gaidukevich, S.A. Khomich, M.V. Borovko, O.S. Mozgovaya, A.O. Danilchenko, A.N. Reshetnikova, P.O. Soroko. - Electronic library of BSU, 2015. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Mozgovaya, O.S. International market of services. №UD-2935 / UCH. The curriculum of the institution of higher education for the academic discipline for the specialty: 1-89 81 02 Innovative management in the sphere of tourism / O.S.Mozgovaya. - Electronic library of BSU, 2016. - Web Page. - Access mode:
- Gaidukevich, L.M., Mozgovaya, O.S. Strategy of regional planning in tourism. №UD-2936 / UCH. The curriculum of the institution of higher education for the academic discipline for the specialty: 1-89 81 02 Innovative management in the field of tourism / L.M. Gaidukevich O.S. Mozgovaya. - Electronic library of BSU, 2016. - Web Page. -Mode of access:
- Gaidukevich, L.M., Mozgovaya O.S. Regional planning in tourism №UD 2283 / uch. Curriculum for the academic discipline for the specialty 1-26 02 02 Management (by directions) / L.M. Gaidukevich, O.S. Mozgovaya. - Electronic library of BSU, 2016. - Web Page. - Access mode:
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