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Department of International Tourism
Associate Professor
Candidate of Science (Agricultural)
She graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Belarusian State University in 1981. From 1992 to 1997, she worked as the director of museum and excursion programs at the Dudutki Museum Complex of Ancient Folk Crafts and Technologies. The main area of activity included the development of the concept of the museum "Dudutki", the organization of tours to the museum, marketing activities.
From 2002 to 2022 headed the NGO "Rest in the Village" as the Chairman of the Board. It is considered the "mother" of rural tourism in Belarus.
Graduate of the Royal Institute of Marketing - CIM (UK). Senator Fulbright Scholar, "Person of the Year - 2011" for the implementation of the best business idea. Member of the US National Interpretation Association (NAI) and the European Interpretation Association (IE). Certified guide and interpretation coach
Author of many articles and four books on rural tourism, the experience economy, and creative tourism products. Editor and author of the book "Tourism Development in Post-Soviet Nations - From Communism to Capitalism", published by one of the most prestigious US scientific publishers Palgrave Macmillan.
Interpretation of cultural and natural heritage in tourism
Marketing in tourism
Advertising and PR in international tourism


  1. Klitsunova, V. A. Creation and Promotion of Belarusian Image as a New Tourism Trend / V. A. Klitsunova // Belarus in Modern World: materials of I Republican Scientific Conference, Minsk, October 22-23, 2002 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk, 2003. - P. 261-263.
  2. Klitsunova, V. A. Tourism with Prefix "Agri" / V. A. Klitsunova // Belarusian Idea. - 2004. - № 12. - P. 35-40.
  3. Klitsunova, V. Wiejska turystyka na Bialorusi (aspect scjalno-gospodarczy) / V. Klitsunova // Hotelarstwo, gastronomia, turystyka I rekreacja w procesie integracji europejskiej, Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Skoly Hotelarstwa i Gastronomii w Poznaniu. — 2004. — C. 834—841.
  4. Klitsunova, V. Role of Associations in Rural Tourism Product, Development and Promotion / V. Klitsunova // Rural Tourism in Europe: Experiences, Development and Respectives. — 2004. — P. 195—199
  5. Klitsunova, V. A. Green Routes as an Innovative Approach for Tourism Development in Regions / V. A. Klitsunova // Tourism and Regional Development: collection of scientific papers. Edition 4. - Smolensk: Universum, 2006. - P. 79-85.
  6. Klitsunova, V. A. About Sustainable Development Strategy of European Polesia / V. A. Klitsunova // European Polesia - Economic Significance and Ecological Risks: materials of International Seminar, Pinsk. - Minsk, 2007. - P. 292-296.
  7. Gaidukevich, L. M. Ecotourism Development Strategy in the Republic of Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich [et al.]; under the common editorship of L. M. Gaidukevich, S. A. Khomich. - Minsk: BSU, 2008. - 352 p. - (V. A. Klitsunova - co-author).
  8. Klitsunova, V. A. Location Factor as a Main Accent of Rural Tourism Architecture / V. A. Klitsunova, S. A. Sergatchiov // Architecture and Constraction. - 2008. - № 10 (197). - P. 32-36.
  9. Klitsunova, V. A. The Role of Public Institutions in Rural Tourism Development in Belarus / V. A. Klitsunova // System Society Transformation: Historical Experience, Contemporaneity, Prospects: collection of articles of the Socio-Humanitarian Departments. - Edition V. - Brest: BrSTU. - 2008. - P. 197-201.
  10. Klitsunova, V. Using the Greenways Concept to Develop Sustainable Tourism in a Non-traditional Tourism Destination (Success Story) / V. Klitsunova // Tourism in The New Eastern Europe global Challenges — Regional Answers. International Conference in Warsaw. — Warsaw, 2008. — P. 79—82.
  11. Klitsunova, V. A. Cultural and Nature Heritage Interpretation of Belarusian Village: Experience / V. A. Klitsunova // System Society Transformation: Historical Experience, Contemporaneity, Prospects: collection of articles of Brest State Technological University. - Edition VI. - Brest: BrSTU, 2009. - P. 105-108.
  12. Klitsunova, V. A. Business Incubators in Tourism: fro mthe World Experience to Personal Model / V. A. Klitsunova // Physical Education Problems of the Population, Living in Unfavourable Environmental Conditions: materials of VIII International Research and Practice Conference. Part 2. - Gomel, 2009. - P. 194-197.
  13. Klitsunova, V. A. Eco- and Rural Tourism: Development Prospects on Local Territories / V. A. Klitsunova // Materials of III International Research and Practice Conference. - Baranovichi: RIE BarSU, 2011. - P. 45-49.
  14. Klitsunova, V. A. Challenges in the Use of Intangible Heritage as a Tourist Resourse / V. A. Klitsunova // Materials of VI International Research and Practice Conference " Sustainable Economic Development: State, Challenges, Prospects", Pinsk / PSU. - 2012. - P. 107-109.
  15. Klitsunova, V. A. Regional Tourist Product Creation on the Basis of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage in Pribuzhye Region: Integrated Approach / V. A. Klitsunova // Architectural Heritage of Pribuzhye Region. Preservation and Cutural and Tourism Use: materials of III International Research and Practice Conference. - Brest: BrSTU, 2012. - P. 63-66.
  16. Klitsunova, V. A. Cluster Model as an Innovative Approach in Tourist Territories Development / V. A. Klitsunova, N. M. Borisenko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XII International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 92nd Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2013 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [et al.]. - Minsk; BSU Publish. Centre, 2013. - P. 234-235.
  17. Klitsunova V.A. Green routes: the American model takes root in Belarus. Fabos, Y.G., Ryan R.L., Yaknin M. 2013. - Meeting of the Fabos conference on landscape planning and green routes. - 2013: Pathways to sustainable development. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, April 12-13, 2013. Complete edition of articles. Amherst, MA: Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. - P.335-343. This publication is available on the conference website: blogs.umass.edu/faboslgpconf/
  18. Klitsunova V.A. Problems of staff training: training of owners of farmsteads / Training of teachers and further training in the field of tourism and hospitality. Materials of the scientific conference, Minsk September 8-9, 2014. - Minsk, 2014. - P. 111. - P. 14-18.
  19. Klitsunova V.A. Agro- and ecotourism: textbook. / A.I. Tarasenok, T.E. Baranova, V.A. Klitsunova // Under the general editorship of A.I. Tarasenok. - Minsk. - 2014. - P.380.
  20. Klitsunova V.A. Agro- and ecotourism: textbook / Klitsunova V.A., N.M. Borisenko, Yu.I. Anoshko. - Minsk. - P.132.
  21. Klitsounova V.A. Gastronomy Map ‘Gastinia’ as a Tool for Reviving Traditional Cuisine in Belarus. Proceedings of Interpret Europe Conference “Heritage Interpretation for The future of Europe” organized by Herita, Mechelen, Belgium, May 21-24, 2016. – pp. 52-58. This publication is available on the Interpret Europe web-site: http://www.interpret-europe.net/fileadmin/news-tmp/ie-events/2016/proceedings_interpret_confpapers.pdf.
  22. Klitsounova V.A. Special mission of teaching heritage interpretation in post-socialist countries. Proceedings of Spring Event 2017, Prague, May 19-21, 2017. – pp. 42-49. This publication is available on the Interpret Europe web-site: http://www.interpret-europe.net/fileadmin/news-tmp/ie-events/2017/Prague/ieprague17_proceedings.pdf.
  23. Klitsunova V.A. Creation of innovative tourism products available to all / V.A., Klitsunova, K.E. Zborovsky, N.M. Borisenko-Klepach, S.E. Drozdovsky, N.A. Lazovskaya, L.V. Skradal // Tourism and recreation for all – promoting universal accessibility. - Minsk. – 2017. – p. 68.
  24. Klitsounova V. A. Rethinking tourism in Belarus / V.A. Klitsounova, S. Slocum // In: Community-based Tourism in the Developing World, 2019, pp. 67-80.
  25. Klitsounova V.A. Tourism Development in Post-Soviet Nations - From Communism to Capitalism // V.Klitsounova, S.Slocum. - Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. - 218 p.
  26. Klitsunova V.A. Interpretation of cultural heritage in tourism. New approaches in the era of the experience economy / V.A. Klitsunova. - 2nd ed. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2021. - 220 p.: ill.
  27. Klitsunova, V.A. Networking, Clustering and Creativity as a Tool for Tourism Development in the Rural Area of Belarus // V.A. Klitsunova. Agro-ecotourism in the period of modern challenges: national experience: materials of the XII Nat. scientific-practical. conf. with international participation, Rep. Belarus, Minsk, 25 Nov. 2021 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: L. M. Gaidukevich (editor-in-chief) [and others]. - Minsk: BGU, 2021. - S. 137-145.
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  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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