- Klitsunova, V. A. Creation and Promotion of Belarusian Image as a New Tourism Trend / V. A. Klitsunova // Belarus in Modern World: materials of I Republican Scientific Conference, Minsk, October 22-23, 2002 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk, 2003. - P. 261-263.
- Klitsunova, V. A. Tourism with Prefix "Agri" / V. A. Klitsunova // Belarusian Idea. - 2004. - № 12. - P. 35-40.
- Klitsunova, V. Wiejska turystyka na Bialorusi (aspect scjalno-gospodarczy) / V. Klitsunova // Hotelarstwo, gastronomia, turystyka I rekreacja w procesie integracji europejskiej, Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Skoly Hotelarstwa i Gastronomii w Poznaniu. — 2004. — C. 834—841.
- Klitsunova, V. Role of Associations in Rural Tourism Product, Development and Promotion / V. Klitsunova // Rural Tourism in Europe: Experiences, Development and Respectives. — 2004. — P. 195—199
- Klitsunova, V. A. Green Routes as an Innovative Approach for Tourism Development in Regions / V. A. Klitsunova // Tourism and Regional Development: collection of scientific papers. Edition 4. - Smolensk: Universum, 2006. - P. 79-85.
- Klitsunova, V. A. About Sustainable Development Strategy of European Polesia / V. A. Klitsunova // European Polesia - Economic Significance and Ecological Risks: materials of International Seminar, Pinsk. - Minsk, 2007. - P. 292-296.
- Gaidukevich, L. M. Ecotourism Development Strategy in the Republic of Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich [et al.]; under the common editorship of L. M. Gaidukevich, S. A. Khomich. - Minsk: BSU, 2008. - 352 p. - (V. A. Klitsunova - co-author).
- Klitsunova, V. A. Location Factor as a Main Accent of Rural Tourism Architecture / V. A. Klitsunova, S. A. Sergatchiov // Architecture and Constraction. - 2008. - № 10 (197). - P. 32-36.
- Klitsunova, V. A. The Role of Public Institutions in Rural Tourism Development in Belarus / V. A. Klitsunova // System Society Transformation: Historical Experience, Contemporaneity, Prospects: collection of articles of the Socio-Humanitarian Departments. - Edition V. - Brest: BrSTU. - 2008. - P. 197-201.
- Klitsunova, V. Using the Greenways Concept to Develop Sustainable Tourism in a Non-traditional Tourism Destination (Success Story) / V. Klitsunova // Tourism in The New Eastern Europe global Challenges — Regional Answers. International Conference in Warsaw. — Warsaw, 2008. — P. 79—82.
- Klitsunova, V. A. Cultural and Nature Heritage Interpretation of Belarusian Village: Experience / V. A. Klitsunova // System Society Transformation: Historical Experience, Contemporaneity, Prospects: collection of articles of Brest State Technological University. - Edition VI. - Brest: BrSTU, 2009. - P. 105-108.
- Klitsunova, V. A. Business Incubators in Tourism: fro mthe World Experience to Personal Model / V. A. Klitsunova // Physical Education Problems of the Population, Living in Unfavourable Environmental Conditions: materials of VIII International Research and Practice Conference. Part 2. - Gomel, 2009. - P. 194-197.
- Klitsunova, V. A. Eco- and Rural Tourism: Development Prospects on Local Territories / V. A. Klitsunova // Materials of III International Research and Practice Conference. - Baranovichi: RIE BarSU, 2011. - P. 45-49.
- Klitsunova, V. A. Challenges in the Use of Intangible Heritage as a Tourist Resourse / V. A. Klitsunova // Materials of VI International Research and Practice Conference " Sustainable Economic Development: State, Challenges, Prospects", Pinsk / PSU. - 2012. - P. 107-109.
- Klitsunova, V. A. Regional Tourist Product Creation on the Basis of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage in Pribuzhye Region: Integrated Approach / V. A. Klitsunova // Architectural Heritage of Pribuzhye Region. Preservation and Cutural and Tourism Use: materials of III International Research and Practice Conference. - Brest: BrSTU, 2012. - P. 63-66.
- Klitsunova, V. A. Cluster Model as an Innovative Approach in Tourist Territories Development / V. A. Klitsunova, N. M. Borisenko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XII International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 92nd Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2013 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [et al.]. - Minsk; BSU Publish. Centre, 2013. - P. 234-235.
- Klitsunova V.A. Green routes: the American model takes root in Belarus. Fabos, Y.G., Ryan R.L., Yaknin M. 2013. - Meeting of the Fabos conference on landscape planning and green routes. - 2013: Pathways to sustainable development. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, April 12-13, 2013. Complete edition of articles. Amherst, MA: Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. - P.335-343. This publication is available on the conference website:
- Klitsunova V.A. Problems of staff training: training of owners of farmsteads / Training of teachers and further training in the field of tourism and hospitality. Materials of the scientific conference, Minsk September 8-9, 2014. - Minsk, 2014. - P. 111. - P. 14-18.
- Klitsunova V.A. Agro- and ecotourism: textbook. / A.I. Tarasenok, T.E. Baranova, V.A. Klitsunova // Under the general editorship of A.I. Tarasenok. - Minsk. - 2014. - P.380.
- Klitsunova V.A. Agro- and ecotourism: textbook / Klitsunova V.A., N.M. Borisenko, Yu.I. Anoshko. - Minsk. - P.132.
- Klitsounova V.A. Gastronomy Map ‘Gastinia’ as a Tool for Reviving Traditional Cuisine in Belarus. Proceedings of Interpret Europe Conference “Heritage Interpretation for The future of Europe” organized by Herita, Mechelen, Belgium, May 21-24, 2016. – pp. 52-58. This publication is available on the Interpret Europe web-site:
- Klitsounova V.A. Special mission of teaching heritage interpretation in post-socialist countries. Proceedings of Spring Event 2017, Prague, May 19-21, 2017. – pp. 42-49. This publication is available on the Interpret Europe web-site:
- Klitsunova V.A. Creation of innovative tourism products available to all / V.A., Klitsunova, K.E. Zborovsky, N.M. Borisenko-Klepach, S.E. Drozdovsky, N.A. Lazovskaya, L.V. Skradal // Tourism and recreation for all – promoting universal accessibility. - Minsk. – 2017. – p. 68.
- Klitsounova V. A. Rethinking tourism in Belarus / V.A. Klitsounova, S. Slocum // In: Community-based Tourism in the Developing World, 2019, pp. 67-80.
- Klitsounova V.A. Tourism Development in Post-Soviet Nations - From Communism to Capitalism // V.Klitsounova, S.Slocum. - Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. - 218 p.
- Klitsunova V.A. Interpretation of cultural heritage in tourism. New approaches in the era of the experience economy / V.A. Klitsunova. - 2nd ed. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2021. - 220 p.: ill.
- Klitsunova, V.A. Networking, Clustering and Creativity as a Tool for Tourism Development in the Rural Area of Belarus // V.A. Klitsunova. Agro-ecotourism in the period of modern challenges: national experience: materials of the XII Nat. scientific-practical. conf. with international participation, Rep. Belarus, Minsk, 25 Nov. 2021 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: L. M. Gaidukevich (editor-in-chief) [and others]. - Minsk: BGU, 2021. - S. 137-145.