smirnova Leonid Gaidukevich Department of International Tourism and Hospitality Associate Professor, head of the department Doctor Habilitatus (History) Professor Professional /academic career The author of 4 monographs (two - co-authored) and more than 100 scientific publications published in Belarusian and foreign scientific journals. Participated in designing of some international programmes (the UNDP in the Republic of Belarus) on ecotourism development (also as national expert), the National Tourism Development Programmes for 2001-2005 and 2006-2010 years and State Programme for 2010-2015, Sustainable Ecotourism Development Strategy in Belarus (2007). 2006 – 2007 - TEMPUS Project: participation in a training programm at Paderborn University (Germany, 2006—2007), and in 2010 - at Matej Bel University (Slovakia). Awards Twice Winner of the Scholarship of President of Belarus for outstanding contributions to social and economic development of the country (2006 and 2011). Certificate of Merit from the Administration of President Certificate of Merit from the Sports and Tourism Ministry of the Republic of Belarus. Academic Area and Research Topics The issues of international tourism development in Central and Eastern Europe, cultural tourism and ecotourism, geopolitical development of countries and regions. Course Involvement Economic and Social Geography of Foreign Countries (for International Tourism students) Regional Tourism Planning (for International Tourism students) Economic and Social Geography of Foreign Countries (for International Relations students) Basics of Geopolitics and Geo-strategy (for Oriental Linguistics and Country Studies students) Current Issues of International Tourism Development (for Master students). Prahrama ŭstupnych ispytaŭ dlia tych, chto pastupaje na II stupień vyšejšaj adukacyi (mahistratura): spiecyjaĺnasć 1-26 80-04 Menedžmient Prafilizacyja: Menedžmient masavych padziejnych mierapryjemstvaŭ. № 176-1314 Comprehensive State Examination Program Publications: Gaidukevich, L. M. Organizational Experience of Child Recreation Abroad / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism Development in the Context of Contemporary Integration Processes: abstracts of International Scientific Conference, Minsk, December 3-5, 2997. - Minsk, 1997. - P. 29-32. Gaidukevich, L. M. Development Problems of Belarusian Tourism Complex / L. M. Gaidukevich // Physical Education, Sport, Tourism - in New Development Environment in the CIS Countries: materials of International Scientific Conference, Minsk, June 23-25 1999: in 2 p. P. 2. - Minsk, 1999. - P. 146-148. Gaidukevich, L. M. Particularities of Tourism Demand for Recreation Services in Belarusian Protection Areas / L. M. Gaidukevich, A. I. Tarasionok // Bialowieza Forest at the Turn of the Third Millenium: materials of Research and Practice Conference, dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park Creation, Kamenyuki, Brest Region, December 22-24, 1999. - Minsk: BSU, 1999. - P. 91-93. Gaidukevich, L. M. International Tourism Development in Belarus in the Context of the EU Integration Processes / L. M. Gaidukevich // European Currency Union - a Step Forward the XXI Century: abstracts of International Scientific Conference, Minsk, October 27-28, 1998. - Minsk: Beldoris, 1999. - P. 44-47. Gaidukevich, L. M. Some Directions of Belarusian Tourism Complex Development in the Context of Belarus - Russia Integration / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus - Russia Relations: Challenges and Prospects: materials of II Panel Discussion of Russian and Belarusian Scientists, Minsk, January 26-27, 1999. - Minsk, 2000. - P. 145-150. Gaidukevich, L. M. About the Recovery from Crisis in National Tourism Complex / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism: Economy and Social and Cultural Development Aspects: collection of articles from Interuniversity Research and Practice Conference, Minsk, November 30, 2000: in 3 p. P. 1. - Minsk, 2000. - P. 12-15. Gaidukevich, L. M. About the Enhancement of the Tourism Role in Minsk Economy / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism: Economy and Social and Cultural Development Aspects: collection of articles from Interuniversity Research and Practice Conference, Minsk, November 30, 2000: in 3 p. P. 1. - Minsk, 2000. - P. 15-17. Gaidukevich, L. M. About the Enhancement of the Ecological and Tourism Programmes Role in the Social and Economic Development Issues in the Republic of Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Ecologic and Moral Problems of Specially Protected Natural Areas: abstracts of Republican Research and Practice Conference, MInsk, December 15, 2000. - Minsk, 2000. - P. 94-95. Gaidukevich, L. M. Management Training in Tourism Industry / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism Development Problems and Prospects in the Countries in Transition: collection of scientific articles. - Smolensk, 2000. - P. 121-125. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism in Belarus — a Difficult Search for a New Image / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarusian Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2000. - № 4. - P. 76-78. Gaidukevich, L. M. Social Tourism System Formation in Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism: Practice, Problems, Prospects: abstracts of Research and Practice Conference, Minsk, April 11-12, 2001. - Minsk, 2001. - P. 27-28. Gaidukevich, L. M. The Tourist Complex in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe under Reforms / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarusian Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2001. - № 3. - P. 98-100. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism in Belarus: manual for the Faculty of International Relations students (specialty Э.01.09.00 "Management" specialization Э.01.09. 10 "International Tourism Management") / L. M. Gaidukevich, A. I. Tarasionok, D. G. Reshetnikov, N. I. Poleshchuk. - Minsk: BSU, 2001. - 133 p. Gaidukevich, L. M. Geopolitics: manual / L. M. Gaidukevich, L. M. Khukhlyndina, I. I. Pimoshchenko, V. V. Froltsov. — Minsk: BSU, 2002. — 119 p. Gaidukevich, L. M. International Tourism after 9/11 / L. M. Gaidukevich // Regional Problems of Social and Economic Geography: materials of Republican Scientific Conference, Minsk, November 28-30, 2002. - Minsk, 2002. - P. 181-184. Gaidukevich, L. M. State and Prospects for Tourism Development in Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism and Regional Development: materials of II International Research and Practice Conference, Smolensk, May 14-15, 2002. - Smolensk, 2002. - P. 44-47. Butsenya, V. E. Belarus in the System of World Economic Relations: manual for the Faculty of International Relations students (specialties E 1-23 01 01 "International Relations" and E 1-24 01 01 "International Law") / V. E. Butsenya, L. M. Gaidukevich, I. G. Khukhlyndina. - Minsk: BSU, 2003. - 148 p. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism Development in the CIS Countries in the Context of Social and Economic Transformation / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: abstracts of I Republican Scientific Conference, Minsk, October 22-23, 2002 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2003. - P. 247-249. Gaidukevich, L. M. International Tourism Geography: Foreign Countries: manual / L. M. Gaidukevich, S. A. Khomitch, V. A. Klitsunova [et al.]. - Minsk: Aversev, 2003. - 304 p. Gaidukevich, L. M. International Tourism Geography: manual for the Faculty of International Relation students: in 2 p. / L. M. Gaidukevich, S. A. Khomitch, Ya. I. Anoshko [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2003. - 213 p. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism Infrastructure and Tourism Business: manual for the Faculty of International Relation students (specialty Е 25 01 06 "Management" specialization Е 25 01 06 10 "Management in International Tourism") / L. M. Gaidukevich, M. A. Lavysh, A. G. Torzhok, N. V. Fomitcheva. - Minsk: BSU, 2003. - 203 p. Gaidukevich, L. M. Regional Development Particularities in the Central and East European Countries / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus and the World: yearbook; under the editorship of L. V. Loyko. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2004. - Vol. 7. - P. 67-68. Gaidukevich, L. M. Prospects for Passing-through Tourism Development in Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism and Regional Development: materials of III International Research and Practice Conference. - Smolensk, October 4-6, 2004. - Smolensk, 2004. - P. 78-80. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourist-Excurtion Education Development in the Republic of Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich, V. M. Zaitsev // International Platform "Youth. Sport. Tourism": quarter academic readings. Scientific yearbook. Moscow: Sovetskiy Sport, 2004. - P. 416-422. Gaidukevich, L. M. The Central and Eastern European Countries Joining the EU: Problems of Regional Cooperation / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarusian Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2004. - № 1. - P. 43-46. Gaidukevich, L. M. Ecomanagement in Provision of Ecotourism Sustainable Development in Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich, S. A. Chomitch // Belarus in Modern World: abstracts of III Republican Scientific Conference, MInsk, October 28-29, 2004 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2004. - P. 93-95. Gaidukevich, L. M. International Tourism Geography. The CIS and Baltic States: manual / L. M. Gaidukevich, S. A. Chomitch, Ya. I. Anoshko [et al.]. - Minsk: Aversev, 2004. - 252 p. Gaidukevich, L. M. Globalization Impact on Tourism Complex Development in the Central and East European Countries / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: abstracts of III Republican Scientific Conference, MInsk, October 28-29, 2004 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2004. - P. 84-85. Gaidukevich, L. M. Particularities of Regional Development in the Central and East European Countries / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of II Republican Scientific Conference, Minsk, December 17-18, 2003 / editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2004. - P. 11-12. Gaidukevich, L. M. Impact of Polish International Tourism on Its Regional Integration / L. M. Gaidukevich // Brest University Bulletin. Humanities and Social Science. - 2005. - № 2 (23). - P. 53-58. Gaidukevich, L. M. Organizational and Legal Provision of International Tourism Security / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of IV Republican Scientific Conference, Minsk, September 28, 2005 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2005. - P. 120-121. Gaidukevich, L. M. Growth of International Tourism and Provision of Tourist Security / L. M. Gaidukevich // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2005. - № 2. - P. 39-44. Gaidukevich, L. M. International Tourism Development in the Context of the Central and East European Countries Regional Integration / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism and Regional Development: materials of IV International Research and Practice Conference, Smolensk, October 5-7, 2006. - Smolensk: Universum, 2006. - P. 416-422. Gaidukevich, L. M. Cultural Property Restitution and Prospects for Its Application in International Tourism / L. M. Gaidukevich, S. V. Antsukh // Tourism and Regional Development: materials of IV International Research and Practice Conference, Smolensk, October 5-7, 2006. - Smolensk: Universum, 2006. - P. 49-53. Gaidukevich, L. M. The Role of Cultural Heritage in International Cooperation Development of the Central and East European Countries in the Sphere of Tourism / L. M. Gaidukevich // Brest University Bulletin. Humanities and Social Science. - 2006. - № 1 (25). - P. 50-54. Gaidukevich, L. M. Porspects for the Series of Palaces and Gardens Reconstuction and Use in Tourism (evidence from Ogiński Manor in Zalesye) / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: abstracts of V International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, November 3, 2006 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk, 2007. - P. 215-216. Gaidukevich, L. M. The Ways for Rural Tourism Product Advancement / L. M. Gaidukevich, A. G. Stankevich // Belarus in Modern World: abstracts of V International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, November 3, 2006 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk, 2007. - P. 216-218. Gaidukevich, L. M. Geopolitics as a Research Area and Course Unit in the Republic's High Education Intstitutions / L. M. Gaidukevich // Racja stanu. Studia i materialy / Instytut Studiow Miedzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego. — 2007. — № 2 (2). — P. 71—77. Gaidukevich, L. M. The Geopolitical Image of the Republic of Belarus: Current Position and Prospects / L. M. Gaidukevich // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2007. - № 3. - P. 42-46. Gaidukevich, L. M. International Experience and Rural Tourism Development Prospects in Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Labour. Trade Unions. Society. - 2007. - № 4. - P. 94-98. Gaidukevich, L. M. International Tourism in the System of the Central and East European Countries Relations at the End of XX - Beginning of the XXI Centuries / L. M. Gaidukevich. - Minsk: Four Quarters, 2007. - 300 p. Gaidukevich, L. M. Particularities of Belarusian Geopolitical Orientation in the Context of Contemporary Integration Processes / L. M. Gaidukevich // Racja stanu. Studia i materialy / Instytut Studiow Mizdzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego. — 2007. — № 2 (2). — P. 49—57. Gaidukevich, L. M. Priority Directions of Belarus’ International Cooperation in Tourism / L. M. Gaidukevich // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2007. - № 4. - P. 48-52. Gaidukevich, L. M. International Tourism Development in the Central and East European Countries: manual / L. M. Gaidukevich. - Minsk: BSEU, 2007. - 182 p. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism in the International Relations System / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: abstracts of V International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, November 3, 2007 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk, 2007. - P. 213-215. Gaidukevich, L. M. Rural Tourism: International Experience and Prospects for Development / L. M. Gaidukevich // System Society Transformation: Historical Experience, Contemporaneity and Prospects: collection of scientific works of the Humanities Departments. - Brest: BrSTU Publish. Centre, 2007. - P. 209-214. Gaidukevich, L. M. About Belarusian Regional Tourism Policy / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: abstracts of VI International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 86th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2007 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo, V. G. Shadurski [et al.]. - Minsk, 2007. - P. 237-238. Gaidukevich, L. M. About Tourism Complex Staffing in the Republic of Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Vysheishaya Shkola. - 2008. - № 2. - P. 31-35. Gaidukevich, L. M. Little Historical Towns as a Basis for Tourism Development in Belarusian Regions / L. M. Gaidukevich // BSPU Bulletin. - 2008. - № 1 (55). - P. 32-36. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism Policy in the Expanded European Union / L. M. Gaidukevich // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2008. - № 4. - P. 26-29. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism Policy of the Republic of Belarus Under Market Reforms Conditions / L. M. Gaidukevich // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2008. - № 2. - P. 26-29. Gaidukevich, L. M. The Central and East European Countries' Tourism Complex in the Context of Single European Tourism Space / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of VII International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 87th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2008 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk, 2008. - P. 198-199. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism Potential of Belarusian Castles and Palaces and Some Aspects of Its Application In Tourism / L. M. Gaidukevich // Labour. Trade Unions. Society. - 2008. - № 1. - P. 74-80. Gaidukevich, L. M. Factors for Innovative Economy Efficience in Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich, A. S. Skriba // Belarus in Modern World: materials of VII International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 87th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2008 / BSU; editorial board: A. V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk, 2008. - P. 144-145. Gaidukevich, L. M. Strategy for Ecotourism Sustainable Development in Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich [et al.]; under common editorship of L. M. Gaidukevich, S. A. Khomich. - Minsk: BSU, 2008. - 351 p. Gaidukevich, L. М. Concept of Regylation Mechanism of Iconoming Tourism in Republic of Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Economic Review of Tourism. — 2008. — Vol. 41. — № 1. — Р. 47—55. Gajdukiewicz, L. М. Kryteria rozwoju turystyki miedzynarodowej w warunkach integracj i regionalnej / L. M. Gajdukiewicz // Studia Mazoweckie / Akademia humanistyczna im. Aleksandra Gieysztora. — Pultusk-Ciechanow, 2008. — Rok IV/X № 4. — Р. 111—115. Gaidukevich, L. M. Staff Training Structure Modernization (specialty "Management in International Tourism) Regarding the Operational Experience of Bologna Process / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of VIII International Scientific Conference, Minsk, October 30, 2009 / BSU; editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [et al.]. - Minsk: Tesey, 2009. - P. 197-199. Gaidukevich, L. M. Farm Tourism Development in the Republic of Belarus: Issues of Staffing and Scientific Assistance / L. M. Gaidukevich // Vysheishaya Shkola. - 2008. - № 2 (70). - P. 31-34. Gaidukevich, L. M. Rural Tourism: Specific Character of Contemporary Development / L. M. Gaidukevich // Farm Tourism in the Republic of Belarus - State and Prospects: materials of II Spec. Conference, Minsk, February 25, 2009. - Minsk, 2009. - P. 69-73. Gaidukevich, L. М. Development of Ecotourism in the Republic of Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Economicka revue cestovneho ruchu / Matei Bel University. — Banska Bystica, Slovakia, 2009. — Rok. 42, № 2. — S. 102—110. Gajdukiewicz, L. М. Polityka regionalna Republiki Bialoruskiej w dziedzinic rozwoju turystyki / L. M. Gajdukiewicz // Studia Mazoweckie / Akademia humanistyczna im. Aleksandra Gieysztora. — Pultusk-Ciechanow, 2009. — Rok IV/XI № 1—2. — Р. 203—207. Gaidukevich, L. M. Belarusian Tourism Complex in the Context of Market Reforms / L. M. Gaidukevich // Faculty of International Relations Proceedings: scientific collection. Edition I; editorial board: V. G. shadurski [et al.]. - Minsk: Tesey, 2010. - P. 101-107. Gaidukevich, L. M. About the Republic of Belarus Participation in International Ecotourism Projects / L. M. Gaidukevich // Eco- and Farm Tourism: Prospects for Development on Local Areas: abstracts of II International Research and Practice Conference. - Baranovichi: BarSU, 2010. - P. 16-20 Gaidukevich, L. M. The Custom Union: Challenges for Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of IX Intrenational Scientific Conference. - Minsk: BSU, 2010. - P. 118-119. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism Attractiveness of Belarus (Sociologic Aspect) / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of IX Intrenational Scientific Conference. - Minsk: BSU, 2010. - P. 183-184. Gaidukevich, L. M. Belarus - Poland Cooperation in the Sphere of Tourim: State and Prospects / L. M. Gaidukevich // Materials of Scientific Seminars 2008-2009: Belarus and Modern Europe: Politics, Economics, Culture. - Minsk: Tesey, 2010. - P. 198-208. Gaidukevich, L. M. Geopolitics: manual / L. M. Gaidukevich, L. M. Khukhlyndina, A. A. Chelyadinky, V. V. Froltsov. — Minsk: BSU, 2011. — 227 p. Gaidukevich, L. M. Regional Planning in Tourism: guidance manual / L. M. Gaidukevich, O. S. Mozgovaya. - Minsk: BSEU, 2011. - 166 p. Khukhlyndina, L. M. Cultural Heritage in Tourism: guidance manual / L. M. Khukhlyndina, L. M. Gaidukevich. - Minsk: BSEU, 2011. - 240 p. Rural Tourism in Belarus: Present-Day Situation and Prospects for Development; monograph / L. M. Gaidukevich; under the common editorship of V. A. Klitsunova. - Minsk: Four Quarters, 2011. - 220 p. Rural Tourism as a Priority Sphere of Tourism Development in Belarus: manual for students (specialty 1-26 02 02 "Management" / under the common editorship of V. A. Klitsunova. Д 201150, 20.10.2011 Rural Tourism as a Priority Sphere of Tourism Development in Belarus: manual for students (specialty 1-26 02 02 "Management" [Electronic Sourse] / under the common editorship of V. A. Klitsunova. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. Gaidukevich, L. M. Economic and Social Geography of Foreign Countries: Workbook for students (Part 1) / L. M. Gaidukevich, N. I. Poleshchuk. - Minsk: BSU, 2011; CD-ROM. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism Policy of the Republic of Belarus at Present-Day Stage / L. M. Gaidukevich // BSU Bulletin. 3. - 2011. - № 3. - P. 122-129. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism Product Formantion and Promotion in Polesia-Turov Culture and Tourist Area / L. M. Gaidukevich, Ya. I. Anoshko, A. S. Lebedeva // Faculty of International Relations Proceedings: scientific collection. Edition 2. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - P. 67-73. Gaidukevich, L. M. Particularities of Trans-Border Cooperation of Belarus in the Sphere of Tourism / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism and Regional Development: collection of scientific papers. Edition 6. - Smolensk, 2011. - P. 223-233. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism in the CIS Countries: 20 Years of Development Experience / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of X International Scientific Conference. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - P. 188-189. Gaidukevich, L. M. Belarusian Polesia Cultural and Historical Heritage as a Basis of Tourism Development in the Region / L. M. Gaidukevich // Folk and Contemporary Culture: materials of III International Research and Practice Conference, April 22-23, 2011. In 2 p. P. 1. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - P. 11-13. Gaidukevich, L. M. Activization of Russia's Integration Policy and Its Impact on Belarusian Foreign Policy / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of X International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, October 28, 2011. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - P. 27. Gaidukevich, L. M. Oil Factor in Belarusian Energy Policy and Prospects for Belarus - Ucraine Energy Cooperation / L. M. Gaidukevich, A. S. Skriba // Belarus in Modern World: materials of X International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, October 28, 2011. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - P. 28-29. Trends in International Tourism: manual for students of economic speciaties (FIR, BSU) / author: S. A. Dubinko [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - P. 220. Gaidukevich, L. M. The Arab Spring: Democratic Transformation or Geopolitical Repartition of the Region? / L. M. Gaidukevich // Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2012. - № 1. - P. 29-35. Gaidukevich, L. M. Belarus - Poland Cooperation in the Sphere of Tourism: State and Prospects for Development / L. M. Gaidukevich // Materials of Scientific Conference, Wrocław, Wschodnioznawstwo, Wroclaw, 2012. — P. 35—43. Gaidukevich, L. M. Oil Factor of Energy Security Strengthening in the Context of Belarusian Multilateral Foreign Policy Implementation / L. M. Gaidukevich, A. S. Skriba // Materials of Scientific Conference, Wrocław, Wschodnioznawstwo, Wroclaw, 2012. — P. 77-89. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism Development in the Context of the Financial Crisis / L. M. Gaidukevich // Faculty of International Relations Proceedings: scientific collection / BSU; editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [et al.]. - Minsk, 2012. - Edition III. - P. 145-152. Modernization of Tourist Staff Training Structure (specialty "Management in International Tourism"), Regarging the Operational Experience of Bologna Process: materials of International TEMPUS Project Implementation / L. M. Gaidukevich [et al.]. - Vitebsk, 2012. Gaidukevich, L. M. Economic and Social Geography of Foreign Countries / L. M. Gaidukevich, N. I. Poleshchuk // BSU Electronic Library, manual. ISBN 978-985-518-592-6 BSU, 2012. Gaidukevich, L. M. Folk and Ethnographic Tourism in the Region of Belarusian Polesia: State and Development Prospects / L. M. Gaidukevich // Materials of International Research and Practice Conference. - Vitebsk, VSPU, 2012. - P. 7-12. Gaidukevich, L. M. Tourism - Main Factor for Economic Development in Latin American States / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XI International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 91st Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, October 30, 2012 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2012. - P. 243-244. Gaidukevich, L. M. Energy Security of Belarus in the New Context of Regional Integration / L. M. Gaidukevich, A. S. Skriba // Current Issues of Belarus - Poland Relations: the 20th Anniversary of the Treaty between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Poland of Neighbourliness, Friendship and Co-operation, June 23, 1992: materials of Belarusian-Polish Panel Discussion / Editorial Board: V. G. Shadurski (science editor) [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2012. - P. 63-69. Gaidukevich, L. M. Experience in Master's Programmes in International Tourism Preparation and Implementation / L. M. Gaidukevich // Materials od Scientific Seminar of the Centre of International Studies (FIR, BSU), November 2012 ( Gaidukevich, L. M. Cultural Tourism: Theory and Practice / L. M. Gaidukevich. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2013. - 192 p. Geo-Ecologic Criteria of Sustainably Operating Pit Reservoirs Engineering in the Context of Tourism and Recreation Reclamation of Recultivated Chalk Fields in Krasnoselsky Area / S. A. Khomitch [and oth.] // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XII International conference, dedicated to the 92nd Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2013 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2013. - P. 245-246. Gaidukevich, L. M. UNESCO Project Implementation "Student Community Participation in Cultural Heritage Preservation and Use for Peace Culture and Sustainable Development Promotion" / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XII International conference, dedicated to the 92nd Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2013 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2013. - P. 217-219. Gaidukevich, L. M. Evaluation of Cultural and Historical Potential of Tourist Place of Destination "Motalsky Shlyakh" / L. M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XII International conference, dedicated to the 92nd Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2013 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2013. - P. 216-217. Gaidukevich, L.M. Innovative approaches in agritourism // Materials of the international round table, March 28, 2013, Minsk Publishing center of BSU. 2013, 6-9 p. Gaidukevich, L.M. The place and role of the Commonwealth of Independent States in modern geopolitical modeling of the world // Materials of the international seminar "International security and NATO in a changing world". Collection of materials of the international seminar Minsk, December 13-14, 2012, Minsk, RIVSH 2013, p. 46-52. Gaidukevich, L.M., Brain, O.S. Educational-methodical complex for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 "Management". Economic and social geography of foreign countries. No. 8391. Department of International Tourism, FMO, BSU. dukevich, L. Some results of the preparation and holding of the 2014 Ice Hockey World Championship in the context of the development of event tourism in the Republic of Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism and hospitality: scientific and practical journal / Polesie State University; editorial board: Shebeko K.K. [and etc.]. - Pinsk, 2014. - Issue. 1. - S. 9-12. Gaidukevich, L. Place and role of hostels in the system of organizing the hotel business / Proceedings of the FMO. Scientific collection. Issue V. Mn. BSU, 2014 Development of agroecotourism in the Republic of Belarus // Eurosian Scientific Forum "Tourism in the Eurosian space: realities and new trends", December 4 - 5, 2014 Hospitality infrastructure of Minsk: state and development prospects // XIII International Scientific Conference "Belarus in the Modern World", October 30, 2014, Minsk Gaidukevich, V. Dedok. Develorment of modern market of hotel business in the Republik of Belarus. // Pvoceedings of the 3rol International Conference on Economic Sciences. "East West" Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. 2014. P. Ge Yin, Gaidukevich L.M. Preconditions for the development of domestic tourism in China // XIII International Scientific Conference "Belarus in the Modern World", October 30, 2014, Minsk Durovich E.A., Gaidukevich L.M. Customer focus as a philosophy of business in the hospitality industry // XIII International Scientific Conference "Belarus in the Modern World", October 30, 2014, Minsk 107. L.M. Gaidukevich / Cultural, historical and natural heritage of Belarus: theory and practice of use in tourism: textbook with the stamp of the UMO BSU / L.M. Gaidukevich [and others]; - Minsk: Publishing house "Four quarters", 2014. - 348p. Cultural tourism [Electronic resource]. - Study guide / L.M. Gaidukevich. - Electronic library of BSU (ISBN 978-985-518-904-7). - Minsk: BSU, 2014. L. M. Khukhlyndina, A.M. Gaidukevich. Tourism and cultural heritage: manual / L.M. Khukhlyndina, A.M. Gaidukevich. - Minsk: BSU, 2014 .-- 296p. - (Classic University Edition). Recommended by the UMO for Humanities Education as a guide for students studying in the specialty 1-26 02 02-06 "Management (in the field of international tourism)" Gaidukevich L.M., Durovich E.A. Initial preconditions and principles for the formation of a customer-oriented strategy in the hospitality industry, Innovative economy in the context of globalization: current trends and prospects. [Electronic resource]: materials of the international. scientific - practical Conf., Minsk. Apr 16-17 2015 / Intern. un-t "MITSO"; editorial board: Yu.Yu. Korolev (chief editor) and [others]. - Minsk: Intern. un-t "MITSO", 2015. - 1 electron. wholesale disk - p. 474 - 478 111. Gaidukevich, L. Formation of the Department of MT: the state and prospects of development / Proceedings of the FMO. Scientific collection. Issue VI. Mn. BSU. - 2015 .-- p. 20-22 Durovich E.A., Gaidukevich L.M. Client-oriented approach in enterprise management in the hospitality industry // Scientific edition. World economy and business - administration of small and medium-sized enterprises / materials of the 11th International scientific seminar in the framework of the 13th International scientific and technical conference "Science - education, production, economy", Minsk (April 2-4, 2015 ), from. 109 - 110 Durovich E., Gaidukevich L. Customer-oriented approach to enterprise management in the hospitality industry / Industrial and practical journal "Marketing, Ideas and Technologies" No. 4 (74), April 2015, p. 17-18 Gaidukevich, L.M. Development of tourism in China / L.M. Gaidukevich // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at a modern day: materials of the XIV International conference dedicated to the 94th anniversary of the formation of the Belarusian State University, October 29, 2015 - Minsk: Ed. center of BSU, 2015. - 2 p. Gaidukevich, L. Some results of the preparation and holding of the 2014 Ice Hockey World Championship in the context of the development of event tourism in the Republic of Belarus / L. M. Gaidukevich // Tourism and hospitality. Poles. state un-t. - 2014. - Issue 1. - S. 9-12. Development of agroecotourism in the Republic of Belarus // Eurosian Scientific Forum "Tourism in the Eurosian space: realities and new trends", December 4 - 5, 2014 Gaidukevich, L.N. Activity of the PRC on the development of international tourism at the present stage / L.M. Gaidukevich // Coll. scientific tr. / Belarusian. state university - Minsk, 2015. - Issue. 3: Actual problems of international relations and global development. - S. 25-38. Gaidukevich, L.M. Formation of the Department of MT: state and development prospects / L.M. Gaidukevich // Proceedings of the FMO: collection of scientific tr. / Belarusian. state university - Minsk, 2015. - Issue. Vi. - S. 20-22. Gaidukevich, L.M. Client-oriented approach to enterprise management in the hospitality industry / L.M. Gaidukevich [et al.] // Industrial and practical journal. Marketing, ideas and technologies. - 2015. - No. 4 (74). - S. 17-18. Gaidukevich, L.M. The place and role of China in the formation of a multipolar world / L.M. Gaidukevich, E.V. Pilgun // Proceedings of the FMO: collection of scientific tr. / Belarusian. state university - Minsk, 2016. - Issue. Vii. - S. 20-23. Gaidukevich, L. Agroecotourism as a priority trend of the development of tourism in the Republic of Belarus / L. Gaidukevich // Uniwersytet Slaski Wydzil Nauk o Ziemi Sosnowies. Acta Geographica Silesiana. – 2016. – Vol. 21. - Р. 35-40. 122. Gaidukevich, L.M. Security Problems in the System of International Tourism / L.M. Gaidukevich // Journal of BSU. International Relations - 2017. - No. 1. - P. 28-35. Gaidukevich, L. Agritourism in Belarus: state and development prospects [Electronic resource] / L. Gaidukevich // Zhurn. Bridges. - 2017. - issue 4. - Access mode: - Date of access: 03.11.2017. Gaidukevich L.M., Dedok V.M. Conceptual approaches to revenue management in the international practice in the functioning of hotels // Working Papers of the Faculty of International Relations Proceedings. 2017 Edition VII c. 79-83. L.M. Gaidukevich Safety in international tourism and the main directions of its provision / L.M. Gaidukevich // Scientific journal. National security and strategic planning. - 2018. - No. 1 (21). - S. 32-37. L.M. Gaidukevich Organization of industrial tours in the Republic of Belarus: state and development prospects // Ekonomica revue cestovneho ruchu. Economic Review of Tourism. Faculty of Economics Matej Bel University Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. Volume 2018 Numbel 51, 2018. No. 2 pp. 89-95. L.M. Gaidukevich 20 years of training at the department of international tourism: state and development prospects / L.M. Gaidukevich // Modern trends in the development of international tourism in the world and the Republic of Belarus in the context of globalization: materials of the international. scientific-practical Conf., dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the founding of the department. int. tourism fac. international relations Belarus. state University, Minsk, 12 oct. 2018 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: L. M. Gaidukevich (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2018 .-- pp. 244-250. Gaidukevich L. M. Scientific research as an integral part of the educational process of the Department of International Tourism / L.M. Gaidukevich // Modern trends in the development of international tourism in the world and the Republic of Belarus in the context of globalization: materials of international. scientific-practical conf., dedicated. 20th anniversary of the founding of the department. int. tourism fac. int. relations Belarus. state University, Minsk, 12 oct. 2018 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: L. M. Gaidukevich (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk, 2018 .-- S. 263-265. L.M. Gaidukevich Training of highly qualified personnel: practice and prospects / L.M. Gaidukevich // Modern tourism industry: current problems and development prospects: materials of the international. scientific-practical conf., Minsk, May 24-25, 2018 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: T.A. Novogrodsky, I.V. Olyunina (editor-in-chief). - Minsk, 2018.- P.98-101. Gaidukevich L.M. International tourism as a factor in enhancing international cooperation / L.M. Gaidukevich // Research of international relations in the Republic of Belarus: state and prospects: materials of the Republican scientific-practical. Conf., dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the department. int. relations Belarus. state University, Minsk, 6 oct. 2017 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: M.E. Chesnovsky (chief editor) [and others] - Minsk: Four Quarters, 2018. - P. 99-103 Gaidukevich, L.M. Visa policy of the Republic of Belarus as a regulator of international tourism development / L.M. Gaidukevich // Journal of International Law and International Relations. 2019. - No. 3-4. Gaidukevich, L.M. II European Games 2019 in the city of Minsk and the socio-economic results of their organization // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at a modern day: materials of the XVIII Intern. scientific. conf., dedicated. The 98th anniversary of the formation of the Belarusian state. University, Minsk, October 30. 2019 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: V. G. Shadurskiy (pre.) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2019. Khukhlyndina et al. Educational standard for the second stage of higher education of the specialty “Management of mass event events” / Khukhlyndina LM, Gaidukevich LM, Davydenko LN, Khomich SA, Borovko MV. , Dubinko S.A., Reshetnikov D.G., Fokeeva L.V., Danilchenko A.O. - Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, 2019 .-- 16 p. Gaidukevich L.M. Experience of training personnel for agroecotourism in the Republic of Belarus and the prospects for its use in the Union State / L.M. Gaidukevich // Integration and development of scientific, technical and educational cooperation - a look into the future: a collection of articles of the II International Scientific and Technical Conference "Minsk Scientific Readings - 2019 ", Minsk, December 11-12, 2019: in 3 volumes. 1.- Minsk: BSTU, 2020.-P.52-56. Gaidukevich L.M. Information monitoring as the most important element of the successful implementation of large event projects / D.S. Kostin, L.M. Gaidukevich // International relations: history, theory, practice: materials of the X scientific-practical. conf. young scientists fac. int. relations Belarus. state University, Minsk, 5 Feb 2019 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: V.G. Shadurskiy (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2019 .-- S. 249-255 Гайдукевич Л.М. Разработка плана безопасности международных спортивных мероприятий на примере чемпионата мира по спортивной ходьбе / Н.О.Николаенко, Л.М. Гайдукевич // Международные отношения: история, теория, практика : материалы X науч.-практ. конф. молодых ученых фак. междунар. отношений Белорус. гос. ун-та, Минск, 5 февр. 2019 г. / Белорус. гос. ун-т ; ред-кол.: В. Г. Шадурский (гл. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БГУ, 2019. – С. 256-261 Гайдукевич Л.М., Борисенко-Клепач Н.М. Участие студентов Белорусского государственного университета в развитии инклюзивного туризма в республике // Интеграция туризма в экономическую систему региона: перспективы и барьеры / материалы II Международной научно-практической конференции (24-25 апреля 2020 года, г. Орел). Научное электронное издание. Орел: ОГУ имени И.С. Тургенева, 2020. – 1 электрон.опт. диск (DVD – R). – с. 358-363. Гайдукевич Л.М. Безопасность в туризме: новые вызовы и угрозы /Л.М.Гайдукевич // Беларусь в современном мире = Беларусь у сучасным свеце : материалы XIX Междунар. науч. конф., посвящ. 99-летию образования Белорус. гос. ун-та, Минск, 29 окт. 2020 г. / Белорус. гос. ун-т ; редкол.: В. Г. Шадурский (гл. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БГУ, 2020. – С.439-444 Гайдукевич Л.М. Агроэкодвижение и вузовская наука: перспективы сотрудничества / Л.М.Гайдукевич // Агроэкотуризм 2020: новые поколения – новые тренды: сборник материалов международной науч.-практ. конф., редкол.: Л.М.Гайдукевич и др.– Минск : Изд. центр БГУ, 2020. – С.16 -19 Гайдукевич, Л. М Геополитическая трансформация стран Центральной и Восточной Европы в конце XX - начале XXI в.: идеи, цели, реальность / Журнал международного права и международных отношений. 2021. № 1 (96). С. 26—29. Journal of International Law and International Relations. 2021. N 1 (96). Р. 26-29. Республика Беларусь в современном мире /под ред. Е.В. Пильгун, Минск, изд. Центр БГУ, 2021, - 320 с. – DOI: 10.33581/978-985-553-696-4-2021ISBN978-985-553—696-4, с.292-301. Гайдукевич Л. М. Совершенствование системы государственного управления туристическим комплексом Республики Беларусь в конце 20 начале 21 века. // Труды БГТУ. Сер.6 , История, философия. 2021. № . С. Гайдукевич Л.М. Международное сотрудничество по обеспечению безопасности в туризме: учебно-методическое пособие / Л.М. Гайдукевич. – Минск: Четыре четверти, 2022. – 104 с. Гриф УМО. Гайдукевич Л.М. Белорусско-китайское сотрудничества в сфере туризма: состояние и перспективы развития Актуальные проблемы международных отношений и глобального развития: сб. науч. статей. – Минск, 2021. – вып. 9. – с.27-36. /http://elib.bsu/handle/123456789/273630 Гайдукевич, Л.М. Опыт Российской Федерации по развитию внутреннего туризма// Материалы II Международной научно-практической конференции «Перспективы развития туризма в современных условиях: мировые тенденции и региональные контексты/ редкол. И.Н. Воронович (председатель) [и др.]. – Минск: 2022. С. 233-237. Гайдукевич, Л.М. Какие кадры нам сегодня нужны для сферы туризма и гостеприимства // Беларусь в современном мире = Беларусь у сучасным свеце : материалы XXI Междунар. науч. конф., посвящ. 101-й годовщине образования Белорус. гос. ун-та, Минск, 27 окт. 2022 г. / Белорус. гос. ун-т ; редкол.: Е. А. Достанко (гл. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БГУ, 2022. С. 330-334. Гайдукевич Л.М. Развитие инклюзивного туризма в Беларуси и мире [Электронный ресурс]: материалы междисциплинар. семинара, Минск, 11 нояб. 2021 г. / Белорус, гос. ун-т ; редкол.: Л. М. Гайдукевич (гл. ред.), Н. М. Борисенко (отв.секретарь). - Минск: БГУ, 2022.- 1 электрон, опт, диск (CD-ROM). - ISBN 978-985-881-264-5. Гайдукевич, Л.М. О развитии сельского туризма в Республике Беларусь и Республике Польша / Материалы ХIII Международной научно-практической конференции “Агроэкотуризм в период современных вызовов: национальный опыт»/ 2022 год. Гайдукевич, Л.М. Общественно-политическая трансформация стран ЦВЕ и развитие международного туризма: концептуальный анализ // Материалы V Международной научно-практической конференции «Большая Евразия: национальные и цивилизационные аспекты развития и сотрудничества/ Москва, 2022. Contacts: tel.: +375 17 209 57 49, fax: +375 17 209 57 42 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.