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Department of International Tourism and Hospitality
Associate Professor of the Department
Candidate of Science (Economics)
Associate Professor

Graduate of the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University, 2006, specialty "Management in international tourism". In 2006 -2007, she studied at the Master's degree program of the Belarusian State University in the specialty "Management in social and economic systems". From 2014 to 2017, she studied at the postgraduate course of the Belarusian State University, specialty "World Economy". Upon completion of postgraduate studies, she successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic "International competitiveness of the hotel sector of the Republic of Belarus in the context of globalization". Awarded an academic degree - Candidate of Economic Sciences, academic title – associate professor. Since 2010, she has been teaching at the Department of International Tourism of the Belarusian State University. Has more than 55 publications

Victoria Dedok has many years of experience in the hospitality industry both in the Republic of Belarus and abroad, as well as practical experience in the implementation of numerous projects at the national and international level.

Constantly improves knowledge and skills within the sphere of professional interests, taking part in various thematic conferences, seminars, exhibitions, educational programs, trainings, including international ones.

Professional interests: the global hospitality industry in the system of international economic relations; the hotel sector at the national and international levels; revenue management in hospitality; information technology in hospitality; glamping; overtourism; hospitality in international relations and diplomacy.

Hospitality Management
Revenue Management in Hotel Business
F&B and Accommodation Services in Mass Events Organization
Hospitality Industry in Mass Events Organization


  1. Dedok, V.М. Project "Investments to the East": with new knowledge for new perspectives /V.М. Dedok//Mercury. - Minsk: BelCCI - No.3, 2013 - P.37-41.
  2. Dedok, V.М. Project PLATO - business education in European way /V.М. Dedok//Mercury. - Minsk: BelCCI - No.1, 2013.-p.40-42.
  3. Dedok, V.М. Features of the price formation in the hotel business // Belarus in the modern world: proceedingsof the XII International Conference, dedicated to the 92ndanniversary of BSU, October 30, 2013 / editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2013. - P.224.
  4. Gaidukevich, L.M., Dedok, V.M. Market of hotel business of the Republic of Belarus: condition and prospects of development.// Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Economic Sciences, September, 6th, 2014. – Vienna: «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. 2014. – P.88-94.
  5. Dedok, V.М. Eurochambers and BelCCI: promoting the development of small and medium-sized businesses /V.M. Dedok//Mercury. - Minsk: BelCCI-№1, 2014. - P.34-36.
  6. Dedok, V.М. Competitiveness in the hotel business: role and importance/V.M. Dedok // Collection of scientific articles of students, undergraduates, graduate students. Issue 13: in 2 volumes. V. 2 / co. S. V. Antsukh; Editor: V.G.Shadursky. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2014. - P.58-61.
  7. Gaidukevich, L.M., Dedok,V.М. Development of the modern market of hotel services: international experience and modern trends // Proceedings of the Faculty of International Relations: Collection of scientific articles. - Issue 5. - Minsk, 2014. - P.127-134.
  8. Dedok, V.М. Competitiveness of countries in the sphere of trade in tourist services // Tourism and Hospitality: a scientific and practical journal. - Pinsk: PolessSE, 2015. - № 2. - P. 12-19.
  9. Dedok, V.М. The role and significance of the segmentation of the hotel services market in the management of hotel revenues. // Belarus in the Contemporary World: Materials of the XIV International Conference, October 29, 2015 / edited by: V.G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2015. - P.230-232
  10. Dedok, V.М. Social networks in the activity of hotel enterprises / / International relations: history, theory, practice: proceedings of the VI Scientific conference of young scientists of FIR, BSU, Minsk, 4 February, 2016, 3 parts / Edited by: V.G.Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2016. - P.23-26 (part 2).
  11. Dedok, V.М. The hotel sector of the Republic of Belarus in the context of globalization: the state and development prospects / V.M.Dedok. // Journal of International Law and International Relations (in press).
  12. Dedok, V.М. The role and importance of knowledge management in the operation of a hotel company in the face of growing competition // Economics and modern management: theory and practice: collection of articles of the LXXII Internationalscientific-practical conf. № 4 (66). - Novosibirsk: SibAC, 2017. - P.41-46.
  13. Dedok, V.М. Sharing consumption economy in the aviation industry / V.M. Dedok // Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations and investments as drivers of social and economic development" (November 8, 2017, Chelyabinsk). - Ufa: OMEGA SCIENCE, 2017. - 290 p., P.72-75.
  14. Dedok V. Platform Airbnb, inc.:
the current state and development prospects / V.Dedok // International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy, 5(11) November 2017. – Warsaw: RS Global Sp. z. O.O., 2017. – 28 p., P.20-25.

15.Viсtoria,Dedok. Sharing economy in the international accommodation sector: the current state// The European Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, Premier Publishing s.r.o. Vienna. №4, 2017 (in press).

  1. Dedok, V.М. The main indicators of the activity of the hotel company in the context of the revenue-management implementation/ V.M. Dedok // International relations: history, theory, practice: materials of the VII scientific-practical conf. of young scientists of FIR, BSU, Minsk, February 3, 2017 / BSU - Minsk, 2017.
17. Dedok, V.М. Global index of reviews as a tool for assessing the international competitiveness of the hotel sector / V.M. Dedok // Proceedings of the 74thscientific-practical conference of students and postgraduate students of the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University. Minsk, April 19, 2017 / Editor: V.G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk, 2017. –P.400-401.
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  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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