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Department of International Tourism and Hospitality
Doctor Habilitatus (Economics)

Professional /academic career

1959 - graduated with honors from the Minsk Technical School of Economics and Finance

1972 - graduated from the Belarusian State University

1975 - defended PhD

1989 – defended doctoral thesis

Since 1990 - professor of Economics

Authored more than 400 scientific publications, including monographs and books in the field of economic theory and the institutional market economy.

Scientific editor and co-author of 10 tutorials for students.

Was a member of the Expert Council of the Higher Certification Commission of the USSR on economic theory and the world economy.

Member of expert council of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (BRFFR)

Member of the Expert Council on the analysis of basic research projects in the economy of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Member of the Councils for defending doctoral and candidate dissertations at BSEU.

2015-present: Professor, Belarusian State University, Faculty of International Relations, Department of International Tourism.

Academic Area and Research Topics

Economic theory, management systems, world economy


2 medals of the USSR "For Labor Distinction" and "Labor Valor" (1971), the Certificate of Honor of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus (2011),the Honorable sign "Excellent worker of education of the Republic of Belarus" and  other awards.

Course Involvement

Government regulation of socio-economic systems

International fundamentals of business.



  1. Davydenko, L.N Socio-economic efficiency of agrarian-industrial cooperation / L.N. Davydenko / - Minsk. BSU, 1977. - 144 p.
  2. Davydenko, L.N Agricultural labor in the agro-industrial complex / L.N. Davydenko / - Minsk. BSU, 1983. - 183 p.
  3. Davydenko, L.N. Integration of university science and production / L.N. Davydenko, EM Vorobyova / - Minsk. University, 1987. - 158p.
  4. Davydenko, L.N. A new way of food production / L.N. Davydenko, I.D. Afanasenko / - Moscow, 1992. - 225 p.
  5. Davydenko, L.N. State regulation of socio-economic relations / L. N. Davydenko, A.N. Tur and others / - Minsk. BSU, 1996. - 384 pp. - ISBN 985-614 / 4-17-5.
  6. Davydenko, L.N. Business Without Borders / L.N. Davydenko / - Minsk. Scientific Research Institute of Economics of the Agro-industrial complex (AIC), 1999. - 384P.
  7. Davydenko, L.N. Microeconomic regulation of agriculture in Belarus / L.N. Davydenko, V.A. Vorobiev, L.V. Pakush / - Astana, 2000. - 245 p.
  8. Davydenko, L.N. Economic cycles and innovations: Research materials / L.N. Davydenko, E. M. Kalinin., V. S. Rubashny / - Minsk. BSPU, 2004. - 58 p. - ISBN 985-435-662-0.
  9. Davydenko, L.N. Social and economic development in conditions of transformation / L.N. Davydenko / Belarus: State. Time. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ed. A.A. Cavaleni. Minsk., 2009. P.357-372.
  10. Litvinyuk, A.I. Cross-border cooperation and Euro-regional cooperation / A.Litvinyuk / Under scientific. Ed. Dr. econom. Sciences L.N. Davydenko. - Minsk: BSPU, 2009. - 182p.
  11. Davydenko, L.N. Institutionalization of the market of innovative projects / L.N. Davydenko / - Minsk: Information and Technology Center of the Ministry of Finance., 2011. 240p.
  12. Davydenko, L.N. Corporate information systems for enterprise management / L.N. Davydenko, T.D.Davydenko /Technologie informacyjne w zarządzaniu organizacjami.Red. nauk. Nina Simeniuk, Jerzy Sikorski.–UwB., Bialystok. 2012, C. 24 - 51.
  13. Davydzenka, L.N. Rozwoj bankowosci jako glownej instytucji kredytowania innowacyjnosci podmiotow gospodarczych/L.N.Davydzenka/ Stan I perspektywyrozwojuwspolczesnejbankowosci. JerzySikorski, TerezaMikulska. – UwB.,Bialystok, 2013, S.76-87.
  14. Davydenko, L. N., Instytucionalizacja rynku inwestowania w innowacje/L.N.Davydzenka, I.Przychocka/. – PWSZwSuwalkach,Suwalki, 2013. – 200s- ISBN 978-83-934340-2-2
  15. Davydenko, L.N. Institutionalization of the market of natural resources / L.N. Davydenko / - Мinsk .: Information and Technology center of the Ministry of Finance 2014.-256p.
  16. Davydenko, L.N. Innovative potential of the enterprise.Model of formation and management / L.N. Davydenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Z.V. Bannikova / - Gomel: Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 2014. - 240p.
  17. Davydenko, L.N. International projects and programs for supporting the sustainable development of regions / L.N. Davydenko, O.A. Podolskaya / - Gomel:Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, 2015. - 208p.
  18. Давыденко, Л.Н. Институционализация рынка инноваций и патентно-лицензионной деятельности в Республике Беларусь: монография /Л.Н. Давыденко, Е.Л. Давыденко //Инновационное развитие экономики России: теория, практика, зарубежный опыт. – Йошкар-Ола: ПГТУ, 2016. – с. 193-216.
  19. Давыденко, Л.Н. Опыт институционализации международной торговли в странах ЕАЭС/Н.Л. Загайнова, Н.И. Ларионова, М.М. Бутакова, Л.Н. Давыденко, Е.Л. Давыденко//Институционализация контрактных отношений в России. – Йошкар-Ола: ПГТУ, 2019. – 12 с. (в печати).


  1. Davydenko, L.N. The methodology of markets in the agribusiness system / L.N. Davydenko / Agroeconomics, 1997, № - P. 5-6.
  2. Davydenko, L.N. Intellectualization of the educational process for knowledge management / L.N. Davydenko, T.D.Davydenko / Education for sustainable development: on the way to the knowledge society: materials of Intern. Forum, Minsk, 5-6 April 2005 / rare: A.M. Radkov and others - Minsk. Publishing center of BSU, 2005. - P. 523-527.
  3. Davydenko, L.N. / Innovative models of the forecast of the social protection system of the population of the Republic of Belarus / L.N. Davydenko, T.D.Davydenko. / Theoretical and practical problems of formation of innovative economy (Eighth Drucker readings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of P. Drucker's birth). Collection of scientific articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. Gomel, Center of Informatization and Innovation Elaborations, November 19-20, 2009. - P. 103-106.
  4. Davydenko, L.N. Criteria for measuring the sustainable development of enterprises / L.N. Davydenko / - Minsk. News BSPU, Ser. 2, № 2009. - P. 63-67.
  5. Davydenko, L.N. European Economic Integration as a Factor of the Development of Neighborhood Relations. Davydenko, A.I. Maksymchuk / - Minsk. News BSPU, Ser. 2, № 2009. - P. 78-82.
  6. Davydenko, L.N. "Eastern Partnership" as an instrument of cross-border cooperation / L.N. Davydenko, A.I. Litvinyuk / - Minsk. News BSPU, Ser. 2, № 2009. - P. 64-68.
  7. Davydenko, L.N.Theoretic-methodological basis for regulating cross-border cooperation / Davydenko LN, Litvinyuk AI / - Ukraine. Lutsk: Theoretical and methodological basis of regulation cross-border cooperation: Scientific Bulletin of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk. - P.6-12.
  8. Davydenko, L.N. Socio-economic efficiency of development of deposits of own natural resources / LN. Davydenko / - Bulletin of economic integration, М.: 2009. - P. 72-80.
  9. Davydenko, L.N. The economic policy of Belarus taking into account globalization and European integration / L.N. Davydenko / - OptimumStudiaeconomiczne, Bialystok, №3 / 43, 2009. -S.68-83.
  10. Davydenko, L.N. Methodological and methodical aspects of economic evaluation and use of natural resources/ LN. Davydenko, E.M. Kalinin, V.E. Garminovich / - Minsk. News BSPU, Ser. 2, №3, 2010. - P.66-72.
  11. Davydenko, L.N. Economic aspects of the functioning of Euroregions / Davydenko L.N., Litvinyuk A.I. / - Мінск. News BSPU, Ser. 2, №1, 2010. - P.82-86.
  12. Davydenko, L.N. Methodical methods of evalution of tellectual capital / Davydenko L.N., Sherdakova T.A. / / Gomel. News of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, №. 2, 2010. - P.19-28.
  13. Davydenko, L.N., Scenarios for the implementation of innovative projects of export orientation / L.N. Davydenko, V.M. Pinchuk / - Minsk: News BSPU, Ser. 2, №1, 2011. - P.62-67.
  14. Davydenko, L.N. Methodical approaches to the assessment of natural resources in the system of economic relations / L.N. Davydenko, E.M. Kalinin / - Minsk: The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. Collection of scientific articles "Economics, modeling, forecasting" Issue 5. 2011. - P. 3-22.
  15. Davydenko, L.N. Development of venture capital industry: international experience in domestic practice/ L.N. Davydenko, M.Makarskaya // Economics. Modeling. Forecasting: Collection of scientific articles /Ed. / Ed. Collegium: М.К. Kravtsov (chief editor), etc..- Minsk: The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 2012. - Issue. 6. - P. 4-12.
  16. Davydenko, L.N. Local natural resources as key to foreign investments / L.N. Davydenko / - Minsk: Institute for Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Journal Natural Resources, № 2012. - P.113-120.
  17. Davydenko, L.N. Economic efficiency of nature protection activity as a factor of economic stability / L.N. Davydenko, O.V. Vaskovich / - Bulletin of the Polotsk State University, Polotsk, № 13, 2012. - P.15-19.
  18. Davydenko, L.N. Methodical approaches to environmental assessment: international experience - in domestic practice / L.N. Davydenko, E.V. Vengurova / Economy. Modeling. Forecasting: Collection of scientific articles /Ed./ Ed. Collegium: М.К. Kravtsov (chief editor), etc ..- Minsk: The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 2012. - Issue. - P. 9-16.
  19. Davydenko, L.N. Intercultural interaction of states in the field of protection of intellectual property/ L.N. Davydenko / Materials of the International Round Table "Kazakhstan-Belarus Interethnic harmony, tolerance: experience, problems, and prospects ".
  20. Davydenko, L.N. Innovative quality management and its tools in the "Galaxy" system / L.N. Davydenko, T.D.Davydenko / - Minsk. News BSPU, Ser. 2, №2013. - P.70-84.
  21. Davydenko, L.N. Methodical Approaches to the Assessment of the Natural Capital of Regions / L.N. Davydenko / - Russia: Bulletin of the Polotsk State University. Ser.: Economics and management. - 2014.-№.2 (21). -P. 40-54.
  22. Davydenko, L.N. Formation of information models of automation of enterprise management / L.N. Davydenko, T.D.Davydenko / Collection of scientific articles of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. , 2014. P.34-60.
  23. Davydenko, L.N. Institutional aspects of the public use of natural resources / L.N. Davydenko / Actual problems and directions of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus and its regions:materials of the IV International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists (Minsk, May 30, 2014) / Ed.: A.V. Chervyakov [and others]. - Minsk: The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 2014.- 300 p., P.19-31.
  24. Davydenko, L.N. The economic mechanism of rational nature management in the Republic of Belarus/ L.N. Davydenko, E.Vengurova / Prospects of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus: Collection of scientific articles of the IV International Scientific Conference (Brest, 24-25 April 2014); Ed.: А.М. Omelyanyuk [and others]. - Brest: Alternative, 2014 - P. 25-28.
  25. Davydenko, L.N. Cross-border Integration as a Factor of Innovative Development / L.N.Davydenko / Materials of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Belarusian Agroindustrial Complex: the latest challenges of regional and international integration". - September 4-5, 2014, - Minsk. The Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, P. 99-104.
  26. Davydenko, L.N.Methodical approaches to the assessment of cross-border flows / L.N. Davydenko, M.V. Borovka / Collection of scientific articles «Economy, modeling, forecasting» Issue 8, The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 2014, P.24-33.
  27. Davydenko, L.N. Cross-border cooperation in the development of regional integration of economic relations. / L.N. Davydenko / Collection of scientific articles "Actual issues of economic development: theory and practice", Gomel, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Issue 3, 2014, Part 2, P. 124-131.
  28. Davydzenka, L.N.Instytucjonalizacja rynku innowacji a rozwoj dzialalnosci zwiazanej z patentami I licencjami na Bialorusi/E.L.Davydzenka,L.N.Davydzenka, A,Prokopiuk, K.Wilczynski/O niektorych uwarunkawaniach funccjonowania Polski I jej sansiedzwa na tle wyzwan XXI wieku. Pod. Red. Al. Maksimczuka,A.Prokopiuka I dr. Wyd. Panstwowa Wysza Skola Zawodowa im. Edw. Szczepaika w Suwalkach, tom 1, Suwalki,2014. - S. 442-458.
  29. Davydenko, L.N. Cross-border cooperation in the field of intellectual property / L.N. Davydenko / - Minsk. Scientific journal Science and Innovations, 2014, №. 7 (137)., P.48-52.
  30. Davydzenka ,L.N. Рационализация льгот в общественном секторе/L.N.Davydzenka/ Czasopis «Optimum». Studia ekonomiczna, Wyd. Uniwersitetu w Bialymstoku, №5(71), 2014r. -1,0, 5(71). -S.219-236.
  31. Davydenko, L.N. Cross-border cooperation of states in the field ofintellectual property rights protection / L.N. Davydenko / - Minsk. News BSPU, Ser. 2, №. 1. 2014. - P. 73-77.
  1. Davydenko, L.N. Electronic educational resources as sources of innovation economy research / L.N. Davydenko / - Minsk .: News BSPU, Ser. 2, №.1. 2015. - P. 57-62.
  2. Davydenko, L.N. Development of the Information Society in the Republic of Belarus / L.N. Davydenko, S.P. Sergeev / Economics. Modeling. Forecasting: Collection of scientific articles /Ed./ Ed. Collegium: М.К. Kravtsov (chief editor), [et al.]. - Minsk: The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 2015-Iss. 9. - P. 4-9.
  3. Davydenko, L.N. Methodological basis for the ecologization of relations between nature and society / L.N. Davydenko, E.V. Vengurova / "Bulletin of the BSU", Issue 3. №2, Minsk, 2015. - P.53-57.
  4. Davydenko, L.N. / Foreign trade relations between the cross-border Russian Belarusian-Ukrainian Euroregion "Dnepr" / L.N. Davydenko, E.V. Vengurova // Bulletin of economic integration. №3-4, Moscow, 2015. - P. 123-128.
  5. Davydenko, L.N. Modern approaches to management of the objects/L.N. Davydenko, E.L. Davydenko/ Collection of conference proceedings of the «Modern approaches to the management of economic systems in the conditions of global transformations». Proceeding of the 1-st International scientific and practical conference (St. Louis, Missouri, May, 2015), - St. Louis, Missouri, USA: Publishing center of science and innovation, 2015. – 11-22 p.
  6. Davydenko, L.N. Formation of the strategy of resource saving in theconditions of cross-border cooperation of the regions of the Republic of Belarus / L.N. Davydenko, E.V. Vengurova / Bulletin of the Volga State Technological University, series "Economics and Management" .- Bulletin of the PSTU, No. 1 (25), 2015. 0, 5, 1 (25) P.51-61.
  1. Davydenko, L.N. Priorities of Poland's investment policy in the context of systemic transformation / L.N. Davydenko, A.I. Maksimchuk / " Bulletin of the BSPU ", Issue №3, Minsk, 2015. - P. 72-75.
  2. Davydenko, L.N. Scientific and pedagogical school of the knowledge economy / L.N. Davydenko / Scientific and pedagogical schools BSPU. Ed. A.V.Torhovoy - Minsk: BSPU, 2015. - P. 65-78.
  3. Davydenko, L.N. Institutionalization of cross-border cooperation of Euroregions in the development of the world tourism industry market / L.N. Davydenko // Economics. Modeling, forecasting; Collection of scientific articles /Ed./ Ed. Collegium: М.К. Kravtsov (chief editor),  [et al.]. - Minsk: The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 2015-Iss. 9. P. 17-28.
  1. Davydenko, L.N. Formation of the concept of development of viticulture industry in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus / L.N. Davydenko, I.V. Domashevich // Agrarian Economy. - 2017. - №2. - P. 50-57.
  2. Davydenko, L.N. Development of the viticulture industry in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus / L.N. Davydenko, I.V. Domashevich // News BSPU. - 2017. - №1. - P. 48-53.
  1. Davydenko, L.N. Transboundary potential of Euroregions in thedevelopment of international tourism / L.N. Davydenko, A. Maksimchuk // News BSPU. - 2017. - № 3. - P. 93-101.
  1. Davydenko, L.N. Internationalization of scientific research integration and N. Nazarbayev contribution to integration processes / L.N. Davydenko // The Role of the First President N.A. Nazarbayev in the formation of statehood of Kazakhstan. Round table, 29.11.2016. - Minsk: Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Belarus. - 2017. - P. 67-76.
  2. Davydenko, L.N. Diversification of ten commodity export countries with small economics of Northern Europe/ L.N. Davydenko, E.L. Davydenko// Collection of scientific articles of the Conference «Modern approches to the management of economic systems in the conditions of global transformations». Proceeding of the 1-st International scientific and practical conference (St. Louis, Missouri,  February, 2017), - St. Louis, Missouri, USA: Publishing center of science and innovation, 2017. – 5-10 p.
  3. Davydenko, L.N. Scientific and pedagogical school of the knowledgeeconomy / L.N. Davydenko / Scientific and pedagogical schools BSPU. Ed. A.V. Torhovoy - Minsk: BSPU, 2015. - P. 65-78.
  1. Davydenko, L.M. Economic Culture. / L.M. Davydenko // Belarusian educational encyclopaedia. – Book 1. - Minsk, Education and training - Article in press.
  2. Davydenko, L.M. Economic education. / L.M. Davydenko // Belarusian educational encyclopaedia. – Book 2 - Minsk, Education and training - Article in press.
  3. Davydenko, L.N. International approaches to innovative use of natural capital in the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan / L.N. Davydenko // Collection of scientific articles of the international conference "Kazakhstan - Belarus: 25 years of diplomatic relations establishment . Results, reality and prospects, Minsk, September 14, 2017. - Minsk: Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Belarus, 2017. - In press. 10 p.
  4. Давыденко, Л.Н.Событийный маркетинг как инструмент продвижения национальных и международных брендов/Л.Н. Давыденко//Экономика. Моделирование, прогнозирование; cб. Науч. тр./ редкол.: М.К. Кравцов [и др.]. – Минск: НИЭИ Мин-во экономики Респ. Беларусь, 2018. -  Вып. 12 – С. 12-18.

  5. Давыденко, Л.Н. Методические аспекты построения модели формирования спроса на рынке органических продуктов питания/Л.Н. Давыденко, Н.В. Пашкевич//Экономика. Моделирование, прогнозирование; cб. Науч. тр./ редкол: М.К. Кравцов [и др.]. – Минск: НИЭИ Мин-во экономики Респ. Беларусь, 2018. -  Вып. 12 – С. 57-64.

  6. Давыденко, Л.Н. Методические подходы определения эффективности инновационной стратегии в туристском бизнесе/ Л.Н. Давыденко// Весцi БДПУ. – 2018. - №3. – С. 131-137.

  7. Давыденко, Л.Н. Современные тенденции развития внешней торговли Республики Беларусь со странами ЕАЭС/Л.Н. Давыденко, Е.Л. Давыденко// Весцi БДПУ. – 2018. - №1. – С. 86-96.

  8. Давыденко, Л.Н. Методология развития инноваций в мировой индустрии туризма/Л.Н. Давыденко, Д.В. Ялтыхов//Международное право и международные отношения, - 2018. - №3-4(78-79), С. 60-65. (ВАК Беларуси)

  9. Давыденко, Л.Н. Этапы институционализации мирового рынка органических продуктов питания/Л.Н. Давыденко, Н.В. Пашкевич// Формирование организационно-экономических условий эффективного функционирования АПК: Сборник научных статей 10-й Международной научно-практической конференции. Минск, 24 мая 2018г./редкол: Г.И. Гануш [и др.] -  Минск: БГАТУ. -  2018. – С. 31-36.

  10. Davydenko, L.N. Institutional bases and tendencies of foreign trade development of the Republic of Belarus with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union / L.N. Davydenko, E.L. Davydenko// Сборниктрудовпоматериаламконференции «Modern approches to the management of economic systems  in the conditions of global transformations». Proceeding of the 1-st International scientific and practical conference (St. Louis, Missouri, February, 2018), - St. Louis, Missouri, USA: Publishing house science and innovation, 2018. – 5-14 p.

  11. Давыденко, Л.Н. Инновационная стратегия геоэкономического туристского рынка/ Л.Н. Давыденко//Беларусь в современном мире:Материалы международной научной конференции, посвященной 20-летию образования кафедры Международного туризма. Минск, 10 октября 2018/редкол.:Л.М. Гайдукевич (и др.) - Минск: изд. БГУ, 2018, С. 23-31.

  12. Давыденко, Л.Н. Роль органической системы агропроизводства в устойчивом развитии сельского хозяйства/Л.Н. Давыденко, Н.В. Пашкевич// Актуальные проблемы устойчивого развития агропромышленного комплекса: Материалы XII международной научно-практической конференции. Минск, 11-12 октября 2018/под ред.: В.Г. Гусакова, – Минск: Институт системных исследований АПК НАН Беларуси, 2018, С. 96-100.

  13. Давыденко, Л.Н. Современная стратегия экономического развития Китая / Л.Н. Давыденко// Идеи социализма с китайской спецификой новой эпохи и стратегия их реализации: материалы Междунар. науч. конф., Минск, 2 марта 2018г./под ред. проф. А.А. Тозика. – Минск: РИВШ, 2018, с. 154-168.

  14. Давыденко, Л.Н. Институциональные условия формирования рынка органических продуктов питания/ Л.Н. Давыденко// Вестник ПГТУ (Россия). – 2018. - №2. – c.29-38.

  15. Давыденко, Л.Н. Приоритеты участия Республики Беларусь в международном разделении труда/ Л.Н. Давыденко, Н.И. Чигирь//Весцi БДПУ. – 2019. - №1. – с. 80-85.

  16. Давыденко, Л.Н. Приоритеты участия Республики Беларусь в программах трансграничного сотрудничества Европейского Союза/ Л.Н. Давыденко, А.И. Литвинюк// Экономика. Моделирование, прогнозирование; cб. Науч. тр./ редкол.: М.К. Кравцов [и др.]. – Минск: НИЭИ Мин-во экономики Респ. Беларусь, 2019. -  Вып. 13 – 20 c. (в печати).

  17. Давыденко, Л.Н. Основные подходы к оценке эффективности инновационной стратегии в туристском бизнесе/Л.Н. Давыденко//Проблемы прогнозирования и государственного регулирования социально-экономического развития: обеспечение экономического роста: Материалы XIX международной конференции. Минск, 18-19 окт. 2018/редкол.: В.В. Пинигин (и др.), т.1 – Минск: НИЭИ Минэкономики Республика. Беларусь, 2019. – с. 77-82.

  18. Davydenko, L.Innowative strategy in The Global Tourist Market/ L. Davydenko//Equilibrium: zeszytynaukowe WSE, Bialystok - 2017. - №1. –s. 24-37.

  19. Davydenko, L. Event marketing as a tool of Promotion of National and international Brands/ L. Davydenko//Equilibrium: zeszytynaukowe WSE, Bialystok - 2018. - №1 (2). –s.35-47.

  20. Davydenko, L.Institutional tools for transboundary cooperation in the Eastern Partnership/ L. Davydenko//Equilibrium: zeszytynaukowe WSE, Bialystok- 2019. - №1. – 19 S. (w druku). 

  21. Davydenko,L.,Regionalnyaspektinnowacyjnegorozwojubialoruskiejgospodaki I metidologicznepodejscia do ocenysposobowzwiekszeniakonkurencyjnoscimalych I srednichprzedsiebioratwnarynkachlokalnych/ L. Davydenko, Z. Grabtsevich// Wspolczesne problem zarzadzania I bespieczenstwa. – Warszawa, UczelniaTechniczno-Handlowaim. HelenyChodkowskiej, 2019. – s. 806-828.


  1. Davydenko, L.N. Intellectual educational technologies in business education / L.N. Davydenko, T.D. Davydenko / Problems of quality management in education in a humanitarian university. Materials of the XIV International Conference, October 23, 2009. - St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, 2009. P. 147-148.
  2. Davydenko, L.N. Cross-border vector of cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan / L.N. Davydenko / European vector in realization of national interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus. Minsk. 2009. - P.64-72.
  3. Davydenko, L.N. Cross-border Cooperation as a Factor of Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus / L.N. Davydenko / Student Science as a Factor of Personal and Professional Development of the Future Specialist. Conference proceedings of the scientific conference. BSPU. Minsk. 2009. - P.9-14.
  4. Davydenko, L.N. Continuous economic education as an indicator of innovative development / L.N. Davydenko / Current issues of the development of science, education and production. Conference proceedings of scientific conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the F. Skaryna Gomel State University, June 11, 2009. Gomel. 2009. - P.63-71.
  5. Davydenko, L.N. Current issues of the development of textbooks, manuals for the economic education of students / L.N. Davydenko / Pedagogical education and science: history and modernity (to the 95th anniversary of the formation of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University) Conference proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference . - Minsk, October 21, BSPU, p.2, 2009. - p.53-55.
  6. Davydenko, L.N. Methodical aspects of the economic evaluation of deposits taking into account the nature conservation development of mankind / L.N. Davydenko, V.E. Garminovich / " Studies of V.I. Vernadsky about the noosphere and the anti-crisis socio-economic development of Belarus. " Conference proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. The Institute of economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, October 22-23, 2009) Minsk, Institute of Economics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2010. - p.77-79.
  7. Davydenko, L.N. Steps of Continuous Economic Education for Sustainable Innovative Development / LN Davydenko / II International Scientific and Practical Conference, September 22-23, Minsk. SIMST. BSU. - p.12-14.
  8. Davydenko, L.N. Innovative potential of the training course on intellectual property management / L.N. Davydenko / Current issues of business education. Conference proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference April 8-9, Minsk. BSU, Institute of Business and Management. - P.119-123.
  9. Davydenko, L.N. Economic education of youth on the spiritual and moral traditions of the Belarusian people / LN. Davydenko / International scientific and practical conference "Spiritual and moral education on the basis of national and cultural, historical and religious traditions and values", May 27, Zhirovichi National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Belarusian Exarchate of the Moscow Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. Department of Humanities and Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Belarus. Minsk Sts. Cyril of Turov Minsk Theological Academy. 2010. - p.272-276
  10. Davydenko, L.N. Priorities for creating and promoting innovations in international markets / L.N. Davydenko / Problems of forecasting state regulation of social and economic development. Materials XI International scientific Conf. Minsk, October 14-15, Minsk: The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. - p.178-184.
  11. Davydenko, L.N. Increasing the Competitiveness of Human Capital as an Object of Strategic Investments / L.N. Davydenko / The New Decade - New Economic Recovery - New Opportunities of Kazakhstan. Conference proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayeva, March 17, Minsk. Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus. 2010. - p.46-56.
  12. Davydenko, L.N. State mechanism of stimulating the growth of knowledge production/ L.N. Davydenko / Conference proceedings of the VI Student Scientific Conference, April 23, Minsk. BSPU. 2010. - C.9-15.
  13. Davydenko, L.N. Formation of the strategy of the Republic of Belarus joining the system of cross-border relations / LN Davydenko / Problems of forecasting and state regulation of social and economic development: materials ХV Intern. scientific conference (Minsk, October 24-25, 2013.). Editorial board: A.V. Chervyakov [and others]. Institute of Economics of the Republic of. Belarus .- Minsk: 2013, - p.116-117.
  14. Davydenko, L.N. Educational standards for the continuous training of managers in Russia / L.N. Davydenko / Current issues of business education: materials XII International Scientific and Practical. Conf., 18-19 Apr. 2013y. Minsk: Belarusian. state. Un., School of Business and Management of Technology of BSU / Editorial board: V.V. Apanasovich (chief editor) [et al.]. - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2013. - p.84-86.
  15. Davydenko, L.N. The role of information technology in the development of Specialists Competence / L.N. Davydenko, TDDavydenko / Conference proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference for Teachers, Postgraduates and Young Scientists: "Modern Technologies of Enterprise Management and the Possibility of Using Information systems: state, problems, prospects ", March 29-30, 2013, Ukraine, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University. Odessa. 2013. - p.60-63.
  16. Davydenko, L.N. Development of trade and investment cooperation of the Republic of Belarus in a common economic space / L.N.Davydenko / Problems and prospects for the functioning of the economy of the Republic of Belarus in the Common Economic Space of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia: materials of international scientific-practical. Conf. 25-26 April 2013. Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. - Law and Economics, Minsk.2013. - p.256-260.
  17. Davydenko, L.N. Institutional aspects of the public use of natural resources / L.N. Davydenko / Actual problems and directions of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus and its regions: materials IV Intern. sci. Conf. Young Scientists (Minsk, May 30, 2014) / Editorial board: A.V. Chervyakov [et al.]. The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.Minsk: 2014, - p.19-31.
  18. Davydenko, L.N. Transboundary cooperation of the regions of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of public nature management / L.N. Davydenko / International scientific-practical conference: "Key factors and actual directions of post-industrial development of the Belarusian economy". - Minsk, April 24-25, 2014. The Institute of Econom of The National Academy Of Sciences Of Belarus. Min: 2014. - p. 312-314.
  19. Davydenko, L.N. Formation of the market of effective use of resource potential for ensuring sustainable innovative development of the economy / L.N. Davydenko / IV International scientific-practical conference "Socio-economic and financial mechanisms for ensuring innovative development of the economy", October 2-3, 2014, State Institute of Management and Social Technologies of the Belarusian State University, 2014. - p.32-33.
  20. Davydenko, L.N. Priorities of efficient transboundary reproduction of natural resources / L.N. Davydenko / Problems of forecasting and state regulation of social and economic development: Conference proceedings of ХV Intern. scientific conference (Minsk, The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, October 23-24, 2014). 2014 - P.133-135.
  21. Davydenko, L.N. Formation of the strategy of transboundary cooperation of the Republic of Belarus with the countries of the European Union in the field of nature management / L.N. Davydenko / International conference "EUROPEAN UNION AND THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS: PERSPECTIVES OF COOPERATION" Collection of conference proceedings of the International conference "THE EUROPEAN UNION AND REPUBLIC OF BELARUS: GETTING CLOSER FOR BETTER FUTURE » Conference proceedings, BSU:Mn .: 2014.-C.112-115.
  22. Davydenko L.N. , Vengurova EV Institutional approaches to the regulation of transboundary water ponds / L.N. Davydenko, EVVengurova / Strategy for the development of the Belarusian economy: formation factors and implementation tools. International Scientific and Practical Conference April 23-24, 2015. The Institute of economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Mn .: 2015 - P.406-408.
  23. Davydenko, L.N. International approaches to the evaluation of business development in the Republic of Belarus / L.N. Davydenko, S.P. Sergeev / Problems of forecasting and state regulation of social and economic development: materials XVI Intern. scientific. Conf. (Minsk, October 23, 2015) Editorial board: A.V. Chervyakov [et al.]. - Minsk: The Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 2015. - P.21-22.
  24. Davydenko, L.N. International exhibitions «EXPO» as a platform for innovation and tourism / L.N. Davydenko // Belarus in the Modern World: Conference proceedings of the XVI International Conference October 25, 2017 / Editorial board: V.G. Shadursky [and others]. - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2017. - p
  25. Davydenko, L.N. Prospects for using the experience of the destination "Italy" in the organization of gastronomic tourism in Belarus / L.N. Davydenko, V.A. Yaroshevich // Belarus in the modern world: Conference proceedings of the XVI International Conference October 25, 2017 / Editorial board: V.G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2017. - p
  26. Davydenko, L.N. Prerequisites for the competitiveness of the company «Muzenidis Travel» on the outbound tourism market of Belarus to Greece / L.N. Davydenko, E. Orfanidu // Belarus in the Modern World: Materials of the XVI International Conference October 25, 2017 / Editorial board: V.G. Shadursky [and others]. - Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2017. - p
  27. Davydenko, L.N. Formation of organizational and economic conditions for the development of organic products / L.N. Davydenko, N.V. Pashkevich // XVIII International Scientific Conference «Issues of Forecasting and State Regulation of Social and Economic Development: Ensuring Economic Growth in Conditions of Strengthening External Challenges». - Minsk: Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, October 19-20, 2017. - P. 78-81.
  28. Davydenko, L.N. Innovative strategies of the countries of the European tourist macroregion in the global market / L.N. Davydenko, D.V. Yaltykhov // 74th scientific-practical conference of students, masters and post-graduates of the FIR BSU, April 12, 2017. 3 p. Electronic resource.
  29. Davydenko, L.N. Innovative strategies of effective functioning in the global tourist market / LN. Davydenko, D. Yaltykhov // Conference proceedings of the international scientific conference «Innovations: content, problems, prospects». Brest, 4-5 October 2017 / Editorial board: A.M. Omelyanyuk [and others]. - Brest: BSTU, - 2017 - 5 p.


  1. Davydenko, L.N. Micro- and macroeconomics: Guidance manual for university students / L.N. Davydenko and others / - Minsk: BSU, 1993. - 94 p.- ISBN 5-7830-0255-0.
  2. Davydenko, L.N. Models of investing in innovative projects: Textbook / L.N. Davydenko, M.N. Smirnov / - Mn .: ISZ, 2001. - 166p.
  3. Davydenko, L.N. Social economy: Guidance manual / L.N.Davydenko, I.S.Blagush /. - Mn .: Pedagogical University, 2002. - 60 p.
  4. Davydenko, L.N. Economic Theory: Workbook (circuitries, diagrams, tables): Textbook / L.N. Davydenko, V.A. Wojciechowski / - Mn .: Technoprint, 2003. - 348p.
  5. Davydenko, L.N. Belarus and the world of market transformation conditions: Guidance manual / L.N. Davydenko / - Mn .: BSPU, 2004. - 70 p.- ISBN 985-435-832-1.
  6. Davydenko, L.N. Microeconomics. Textbook / L.N. Davydenko, A.I. Bazyleva, A.A. Dichkovsky, [et al.]. / - Mn .: BSPU, 2005. - 87 p.
  7. Davydenko, L.N. Belarusian vector of economic development: Textbook / L.N. Davydenko, E.L. Davydenko / - Mn .: BSPU, 2006. – 159p.
  8. Davydenko, L.N. Transboundary cooperation: economic and institutional framework / L.N. Davydenko, A. Litvinyuk / - Mn. : BSPU, 2006. - 207 p. - ISBN 985-501-205-4.
  9. Davydenko, L. N. Ways to starting your own business / L.N. Davydenko, A. Klyuchinsky / - Gomel: State University, 2006. - 94 p. - ISBN 985-439-179-5.
  10. Davydenko, L.N. Economic Theory: Textbook / L.N. Davydenko, A.I. Bazyleva, A.A. Dichkovsky, others / - Mn .: The Higher School, 2002. - 365 p. (reprints of 2004, 2007)
  11. Davydenko, L.N. Economic Theory: Textbook. / L.N. Davydenko and others /.; under the editorship of L.N. Davydenko, G.I. Bazilyeva. - Minsk: Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 2007. – 339p.
  12. Davydenko, L.N. Introduction to the market economy: guidance manual / L.N. Davydenko, V.E.Butenya, V. N. Valahanovich / - Mn .: BSEU, 2008. - 147 p. - ISBN 978-985-484-553-1.
  13. Davydenko, L.N. Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Management / L.N. Davydenko, A.N. , Brukhanchik, V.N. Paskova / - Mn .: BSPU, 2008. - 202 p.- ISBN 978-985-501-896-5. (reprint in 2011).
  14. Davydenko, L.N. History of economic doctrines: Manual./L.N. Davydenko, V.I. Zhuk / - Mn.: Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Finance. – 352p.
  15. Davydenko, L.N. Economic theory. Workbook / L.N. Davydenko, E.L. Davydenko, I.A. Sobolenko/ Under the editorship of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Davydenko L.N. - Minsk. The Higher School, 2nd edition, 2010. - 288p.
  16. Davydenko, L.N. Fundamentals of economic theory: principles, problems, politics, transformations. International experience and the Belarusian vector of development / Davydenko L.N. / - Textbook. - 2nd edition. - Mn .: Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Finance, 2011. – 467p.
  17. Davydenko, L.N., Current issues in the social economy: Guidance manual/ L.N. Davydenko, N.V. Susko./- Mn .: BSPU, 2012. - 326 p. - ISBN 978-985-541-038-7.
  18. Davydenko, L.N. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: Workbook / L.N. Davydenko / Minsk: BSPU, 2015.-140p.
  19. Davydenko, L.N. International Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: A Textbook / L.N. Davydenko. - Minsk: Publishing center of the Belarusian State University, 2017. - 152 p.
  20. Davydenko L.N. State regulation of social and economic systems. For students studying in the specialty: 1-26 80 01 Management in Social and Economic Systems: Study programme / BSU: L.N. Davydenko. - Minsk: BSU, 2017.
  21. Davydenko L.N. International fundamentals of entrepreneurship. For students studying in the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (according to directions): Study programme // BSU: L.N. Davydenko .- Minsk: BSU, 2017.
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