Professional /academic career
Graduated from Belarusian State University, Department of “World Economy”.
Has been working at the Department of International Tourism since September 2008.
Internship in Institute of the World Economy in Kiel, Germany (2000-2001), and as part of the project TEMPUS in MatejBel University in BanskaBystrica, Slovakia (2010).
- Petrovskaya, L. M. New Approaches to Business Cycles Theory Advancement / L. M. Petrovskaya, A. O. Daniltchenko // BSEU Bulletin. - 2002. - № 3. - P. 7-12.
- Petrovskaya, L. M. Open Economy Model / L. M. Petrovskaya, A. O. Daniltchenko // Belarus and International Economic Processes: collection of scientific articles / under the editorship of V. M. Rudenkov. - Minsk: Tekhnoprint, 2003. - P. 120-131.
- Daniltchenko, A. O. Real Business Cycle Model / A. O. Daniltchenko // Belarus and International Economic Processes: collection of scientific articles of the Department of International Economic Relations / under the editorship of E. A. Semak. - Minsk: BSU, 2005. - P. 4-9.
- Petrovskaya, L. M. Open Economy Situation: Theoretical and Empirical Correlations / L. M. Petrovskaya [and oth.]. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2006. - 120 p.
- Daniltchenko, A. O. The Republic of Belarus: Any Possibilities for the Development without Crises? / A. O. Daniltchenko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of VI International Scientific Conference, eddicated to the 86th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2007 / editorial board: A. V. Sharapo, V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2007. - P. 167-168.
- Daniltchenko, A. O. The Notion of Political Business Cycle / A. O. Daniltchenko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of VII International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 87th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, October 30, 2008 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: Tesey, 2008. - P. 149-150.
- Daniltchenko, A. O. Economic Factors for Farm Tourism Development in the Republic of Belarus / A. O. Daniltchenko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of VIII International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 88th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, October 30, 2009 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: Tesey, 2009. - P. 199-200.
- Daniltchenko, A. O. International Situation Impact on the Belarusian Economy / A. O. Daniltchenko // International Relations: History, Theory, Practice: materials of I Research and Practice Conference of the Faculty of International Relations Young Scientists, Minsk, February, 2010 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2010. - P. 120-123.
- Predicting of Tourist Flows from Belarus to Poland in the System of Tourist Exchange Optimization / A. O. Daniltchenko [and oth.] // Belarus in Modern World: materials of IX International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 89th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 29, 2010. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2010. - P. 185-186.
- Daniltchenko, A. O. About Financial Assisstance of Tourism Development in Pripyat Polesia / A. O. Daniltchenko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of X International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 28, 2011 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2011. - P. 190-191.
- Belarusian Rural Tourism: Present-day State and Development Prospects: monograph / under the editorship of V. A. Klitsunova. - Minsk: Four Quarters, 2011. - 220 p.
- Daniltchenko, A. O. Quality Management in Tourism: teaching materials / A. O. Daniltchenko, S. A. Khomich. - Minsk: BSEU, 2011. - 214 p.
- Geo-ecologic Principles of Tourism and Recreation Use of Flooded Pits in Belarus / S. A. Khomich [and oth.] // Fund for Fundamental Studies Bulletin. - 2012. - № 4. - P. 50-59.
- Structural Modernization of Tourism Personnel Training at the Specialty "Management in International Tourism" Regarding the Experience of the Bologna Process Implementation: materials of International TEMPUS Project Implementation / L. M. Gaidukevich [and oth.]. - Vitebsk, 2012.
- Daniltchenko, A. O. Impact of Tourism Services Characteristic Aspects on Their Level of Quality / A. O. Daniltchenko // International Relations: History, Theory, Practice: materials of II Research and Practice Conference of the Faculty of International Relations Young Scientists, Minsk, April 2, 2012 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2012. - P. 170-174.
- Khomich, S. A. Factors for the Use of Belarusian Pit Reservoirs Innovative Sourses in Tourism / S. A. Khomich, Ya. I. Anoshko, A. O. Daniltchenko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XI International conference, dedicated to the 91st Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2012 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2012. - P. 262-264.
- Geo-ecologic Criteria of Sustainably Operating Pit Reservoirs Engineering in the Context of Tourism and Recreation Reclamation of Recultivated Chalk Fields in Krasnoselsky Area / S. A. Khomich [and oth.] // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XII International conference, dedicated to the 92nd Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2013 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2013. - P. 245-246.
- Daniltchenko, A. O. Formation of Present-day Competitive Tourism Enterprise / A. O. Daniltchenko, I. I. Andyevskaya // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XII International conference, dedicated to the 92nd Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2013 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2013. - P. 222-223