Professional /academic career
1999 - Defended her PhD thesis: "Intellectual Property: the conditions and tendencies of its development in the Republic of Belarus"
Since 2001 - Associate Professor of the Department and the expert in the field of evaluation of intellectual property.
2005 - 2013 - Scientific supervisor of a number of researches carried out under of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Education, for the development of economic and legal mechanism of usage of the results of scientific and technical activities, funded by the budget. Participated in the development of a number of normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus on the issues of economy, accounting of the results of scientific and research activities and intangible assets.
2015 – internship in Seoul (The Republic of Korea) in the framework of the International educational program "The idea, invention, innovation and intellectual property", held under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
1. Intangible assets and the mechanism of their use in the economic turnover of enterprises / Olekhnovich G.I., Borovskaya E.A., Chisty N.V. - Minsk: "Amalthea", 1997 - 155 p. 2. Fundamentals of intellectual property management: a practical guide / Gerasimova L.K., Borovskaya E.A. - Minsk: "FUAinfo", 2007 - 168 p. 3. Borovskaya E.A. Accounting: a course of lectures. - Minsk: BGU, 2008. - 107 p .4. Economic and legal mechanism for regulating relations in the field of research and development (T)R / E.A. Borovskaya // Technique. Economy. Organization. - 2008. - No. 6 (67). 5. Borovskaya E.A. The use of computer programs and databases as intangible assets / Borovskaya E.A., Ermakovich S.L., Kudashov V.I., Losev S.S., Uspensky A.A. Legal protection of computer programs and databases. Manual// State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus. - 2010. - 245. 6. Borovskaya E.A., Lapin A.K. Intellectual property as part of intangible assets of enterprises Handbook for accountants / Consultant +. - 2010. - 52. 7. Features of pricing for objects of intellectual property / E.A. Borovskaya // Library of the journal "Lawyer". Law and business. Issue "Pricing without limits" - 2011. 8. Some issues of evaluation and accounting of trademarks / E.A.Borovskaya //Intellectual property in Belarus. - 2015. - No. 2. 9. Features of registration of intellectual property objects created in the course of scientific and technical activities / E.A. Borovskaya //Intellectual property in Belarus. - 2016. - No. 3. 10. Borovskaya E.A. Scientific and technical documentation: paper or an object of intellectual property / Borovskaya E.A. //Intellectual property in Belarus. - 2017 - №2. 11. Barowskaya, Ya.A. The role of the intellectual economy and the pharmaceutical market of the tourist shepherds / A.A. Barovskaya // Current trends in the development of the international community. tourism in the world and the Republic of Belarus in globalization: materials of the international. navuk.-pract. canf., prsv. 20th anniversary of the foundation of the department of international. fak tourism. international Adnosin Belarus. jarzh. un-ta, Minsk, 12 cast. 2018 / Belarus. jarzh. un-t, editorial staff: Gaidukevich L. M. (chief editor) [і інш.]. - Minsk: BDU, 2018. - S. 216-223. 12. Borovskaya, E.A. Results of scientific and technical activity as objects of commercialization / E.A. Borovskaya // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus in the modern world: materials of the XVIII Intern. scientific conf., dedicated 98th anniversary of the formation of Belorus. state un-ta, Minsk, 30 Oct. 2019 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: V.G. Shadursky (prev.) [and others]. - Minsk: BGU, 2019. - S. 500 - 505. 13. Borovskaya E.A. Three essential characteristics of the results of scientific and technical activity / E.A. Borovskaya // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus in the modern world: materials of the XIX Intern. scientific conf., dedicated 99th anniversary of the formation of Belorus. state un-ta, Minsk, 29 Oct. 2020 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: V.G. Shadursky (prev.) [and others]. - Minsk: BGU, 2020. - P. 433 - 439. 14. Borovskaya E.A. Cost of intellectual property objects: real or virtual? / Legal protection of intellectual property: problems of theory and practice: Sat. materials of the international scientific-practical. conf., Novopolotsk, May 28, 2021 / Polots. state un-t, Region. study.-scient.-pract. legal Center ; editorial board: V.A. Bogonenko (responsible ed.) [i dr.]. - Novopolotsk: Polots. state un-t, 2021. - S. 12-16. 15. Borovskaya E.A. Legislation of Russia and Belarus in the field of intangible assets: discrepancies and contradictions / E.A. Borovskaya // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus in the modern world: materials of the XXI Intern. scientific conf., dedicated 101st anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state un-ta, Minsk, 27 Oct. 2022 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: E.A. Dostanko (editor-in-chief) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2022. - pp. 325 - 330.
Learning programs:
1. Borovskaya, E.A. Accounting and auditing: Curriculum for the specialty: 1-25 01 03 World economy. - Minsk: BSU, 2015. - No. UD-706 / account. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Publication date: 30-Sep-2015. 2. Borovskaya, E.A. Accounting and management accounting: Curriculum of a higher education institution in the academic discipline for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (according to directions) specialty areas: 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism). - Minsk: BGU, 2020. - No. UD-7946 / account. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Publication date: 26-Mar-2020. 3. Borovskaya, E.A. Financial management of mass events: the curriculum of the HEI in the academic discipline in the specialty 1-26 80 04 Management. Profiling: Management of mass events. - Minsk: BGU, 2019. - No. UD-7521 / account. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Publication date: 4-Dec-2019. 4. Borovskaya E.A. Business planning: the curriculum of the HEI in the academic discipline for the specialty: 1-26 02 02 Management (according to directions) direction of the specialty 1-26 02 02-06 Management (in the field of international tourism). No. UD-6804 / account.