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Department of International Tourism and Hospitality
Associate Professor
Academic Qualifications:PhD in Economics

Born in the city of p. Loew Gomel region. Graduated from the faculty of geography of the Belarusian state University (1995), postgraduate study of the State scientific institution "Research economic Institute of the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Belarus" (1998). Since 1996 she worked in the same Institute in the Department of demography and labor market. In 2005 she defended her thesis on "state regulation of demographic processes in the areas of radioactive contamination of Belarus", specialty 08.00.05-Economics and management of the national economy. Since 2008. - in teaching at BSU, including 2018-associate Professor of international tourism Department of the faculty of international relations.

Participated of the research in the development of the following programs:

- The state program of the Republic of Belarus on minimization and overcoming of consequences of the Chernobyl disaster for 1996-2000; topics "to analyze the dynamics of demographic processes and to substantiate the strategy of demographic development and labor resources of the national economy of the affected territories" (№ GR 19971813, 1997), "to Develop proposals to improve the mechanism of population development management in the conditions of socio-economic rehabilitation of the affected territories" (№ GR 19981466, 1998), "to Develop and justify proposals to improve the socio-economic rehabilitation of the population living in the contaminated territories" (№ GR 19991513, 1999).);

 - SSTP "Economy and social policy", the theme "to Develop the main directions of improvement and implementation of socio-demographic policy of the Republic of Belarus" (№ GR 19974526, 1997-1998), "to Develop a national strategy of socio-demographic development of the Republic of Belarus until 2015" (№GR 2000121, 2000);

- Interuniversity program of fundamental investigations "Natural-economic regions", "Run of the economic-geographical evaluation of the nature of demographic development and rudoremontnyj opportunities for rural settlements in the regions of Belarus" (№ GR 873/62 P, 2003);

- grant of BRFFI-RGNF "Demographic aging of Russia and Belarus: assessment of the scale and socio-economic consequences", agreement with BRFFI № G16R-011 dated April 29, 2016 (№ GR 20162638, 2016-2018).

Author of over 40 scientific publications. Professional interests: HR-management, demographic processes and their regulation, training for the tourism industry, regional differentiation of service sector development, industrial tourism.

Personnel management

Study program
Список литература
Вопросы к экзамену
Тематика рефератов

Human resource management of mass events

Study program
Questions for the exam

Prahrama ŭstupnych ispytaŭ dlia tych, chto pastupaje na II stupień vyšejšaj adukacyi (mahistratura): spiecyjaĺnasć 1-26 80-04 Menedžmient Prafilizacyja: Menedžmient masavych padziejnych mierapryjemstvaŭ. № 176-1314

  1. Larchenko, N. (Bogino, N). The problem of formation of the population in the zone of radioactive contamination // Demographic development and formation of the labor market in the Republic of Belarus: collection of proceedings / Research economic Institute of the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, 1996. - P. 86-94.
  2. Privalova, N.; Larchenko, N.;  Rutskaya, M. Experience in regulating demographic processes in foreign countries // Demographic development and formation of the labor market in the Republic of Belarus: collection of proceedings / Research economic Institute of the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, 1996. - P. 86-94.
  3. Larchenko, N. Regional features of demographic development of territories exposed to radioactive contamination // Socio-economic problems of development of regions of Belarus: collection of proceedings / Research economic Institute of the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Belarus. – Minsk, 1997. - P. 168-179.
  4. Larchenko, N. The demographic development of the territories affected by the radiation // Industrial safety. - 1998. - № 3. - P. 21-24.
  5. Tikhonova, L., Larchenko, N. Socio-demographic problems of the population, living in the polluted territories of Belarus // Belarusian economy: analysis, forecast, regulation: economic Bulletin. - 1999. - № 3. - P. 2-10.
  6. Larchenko, N. Migration processes in areas exposed to radioactive contamination and problems of their regulation // Labour market: current state and prospects: collection of proceedings / Research economic Institute of the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Belarus. – Minsk, 1999. - P. 114-120.
  7. Larchenko, N. Methodological approaches to rehabilitation of the population, residents-driven activities in the areas of radioactive contamination // Socio-demographic policy: status, problems and solutions: collection of proceedings / Research economic Institute of the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, 2000. - P. 61-68.
  8. Larchenko, N. Rehabilitation of the population in the areas of radioactive contamination as a factor of human capital accumulation // Human capital and its role in improving the efficiency of the economy: collection of proceedings / Research economic Institute of the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, 2000. - 140-146.
  9. Larchenko, N. The role of environmental migration in the system of demographic security // Migration situation and migration policy in Central Russia: collection of scientific articles / Smolensk humanitarian University. – Smolensk: Publishing house "Universum", 2001. - P. 92-94.
  10. Bogino, N. Environmental migration in Belarus and its socio-economic effects // Bulletin of the Belarusian Bank. - 2001. - № 22. - P. 37-43.
  11. Bogino, N. Benefits and compensation to the population living in areas of radio-active pollution: assessment and optimization opportunities // Belarusian economy: analysis, forecast, regulation: Economic Bulletin. - 2002. - № 5. - P. 34-39.
  12. Privalova, N., Bogino, N. The experience of developed countries on enhancing the qualitative characteristics of the population // Bulletin of the Belarusian Bank. - 2003. - № 44.
  13. Bogino, N. Demographic imperative of the strategy of rehabilitation in the areas of radioactive contamination // Belarusian economy: analysis, forecast, regulation: Economic Bulletin. - 2004. - № 12. - P. 17-24.
  14. Bogino, N. Socio-demographic aspects of the rehabilitation of the population of areas of radioactive contamination // Social policy of Belarus at the beginning of the XXI century: collection of proceedings / Research economic Institute of the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, 2005. – P. 30-41.
  15. Bogino, N. Features of regulation of demographic processes in areas exposed to radioactive contamination: methodological aspect // Belarusian economy: analysis, forecast, regulation: Economic Bulletin. - 2005. - № 4. - P. 41-48.
  16. Bogino, N. Economic assessment of damage from premature mortality of the population // Belarusian economic journal. - 2005. - № 3. - P. 111-115.
  17. Bogino, N. Features of development and placement of certain types of economic activities that form the service sector: financial activities, trade, hotels and restaurants, education, health // Geography. - 2015. - № 3. - P. 39-47.
  18. Bogino, N. Construction in the Republic of Belarus: structure, processes, current status and prospects // Geography. - 2015. - № 3. - P. 25-33.
  19. Bogino, N. Regional differentiation of service sector development in the Republic of Belarus // Problems of security of the Russian society. - 2015. - № 2. - P. 170-176.
  20. Bogino, N. Labor resources of the regions of Belarus and the effectiveness of their use in the context of the innovation economy / N. Bogino // Problems and prospects of socio-economic geography: (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of I. Trukhan): materials of the international scientific-practical conference, 12-14 November 2015, Minsk / BSU, Geographical  faculty, Department of economic geography of Belarus and the Commonwealth; Edited by H. Ozem. - Minsk: BSU, 2016. - P. 149-154. [Electronic resource.]  Mode of access: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/15230
  21. Bogino, N. Level of health development. Indicators of living standards // Geographical Atlas of teachers: Handbook for teachers / State property Committee of the Republic of Belarus. – Minsk: Belkartografiya, 2017. – P. 337.
  22. Bogino, N. The problem of demographic aging in the concept of demographic transition and the General theory of population Alfred Sovi // Socio-economic geography in the XXI century: regional development : materials of The interuniversity Republican seminar, November 17-18, 2016, Minsk / BSU, Geographical faculty, Department of economic geography of Belarus and the Commonwealth, Department of economic geography of foreign countries; Edited by E. Antipova. - Minsk: BSU, 2017. - P. 121-124. [Electronic resource.]  Mode of access: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/170692
  23. Bogino, N. Banking and commercial services // Belarus in Maps. Edited by D. Karacsonyi, K. Kocsis, Z. Bottlik. Geographic Institute Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest, 2017.  155-156.
  24. Bogino, N. Practice-oriented approaches to training for the tourism industry // Modern trends in the development of international tourism in the world and the Republic of Belarus in the context of globalization : materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Department of international tourism of the faculty of international relations of BSU, Minsk, 12 Oct. 2018 / BSU; Edited by L. Gaidukevich. - Minsk: BSU, 2018. - P. 251-262. [Electronic resource.]  Mode of access: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/214526
  25. Bogino, N. HR - management of mass events: electronic educational and methodical complex for specialty 1-26 81 20 "Management of mass events" / N. Bogino; BSU, Faculty of international relations, Department of international tourism. - Minsk: BSU, 2018. - 64 p. - Bibliogr.: p. 63-64. [Electronic resource.] Mode of access: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/213709 DEP. at BSU 01.02.2019. № 00130102201
  26. Bogino N. Positive and negative effects of the introduction of automated information systems in the field of personnel management // Information resource management: materials of the XVII International scientific and practical conference, Minsk, March 12, 2021; Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus; edited by A.S. Laptyonok. – Minsk : Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2021. – P. 310-311.

  27. Bogino N. Development of digital competencies among university teachers // Professional competencies of a modern leader as a factor in the development of the educational sphere [Electronic resource]: IV International scientific and practical conference, Minsk, 22 Apr. 2021 / Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus; State educational institution "Academy of Postgraduate Education". – Minsk: APE, 2021. – P. 72-75. URL: http://www.academy.edu.by/files/sem%20konf%202021/sbornik%204%20sem%2022%20april%202021.pdf

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  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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