- Borisenko, N.M., Klitsunova, V.A., «Business incubators in tourism: from international experience to our own model» / N.M. Borisenko, V.A. Klitsunova // Problems of physical culture of the population living in conditions of adverse environmental factors: materials of international scientific research. conf. (Gomel, October 8-9, 2009): Part 2. - Gomel: GSU named after F. Skorina, 2009. P. 194-197.
- Borisenko N.M, Klitsunova V.A. «Recommendations for developing greenways: teaching aids / N.M. Borisenko, V.A. Klitsunov. [et al.]. - Minsk: Kovcheg, 2010. - 128 p.
- Borisenko, N.M. Tourism product development in the sphere of agro- and ecotourism/ N.M. Borisenko // Eco- and agrotourism: perspectives on local level: materials of III International scientific conference, Baranovichi, May 18-19, 2011 / editor: V. N. Zuev[et al.]. - Baranovichi: RIO BarGU, 2011. - P.23-26.
- Borisenko, N.M. Legal problems of agro-ecotourism: an expert assessment / N.M. Borisenko // Eco-and agrotourism: development prospects in local areas: collection of scientific papers / editor: V.I. Kochurko,V.N. Zuev[et al.]. - Minsk: "Four quarters", 2013. - P.11-20.
- Klitsunova, V.A. Agroecotourism: teaching aids / V.A. Klitsunova, N.M. Borisenko, Y.I. Anoshko. - Minsk: RIPO, 2014. - 132 p.
- Borisenko, N.M, Anoshko, Y.I., Klitsunova, V.A. The development of agroecotourism in the Minsk region / N.M. Borisenko, Y.I. Anoshko, V.A. Klitsunova // Geography, No. 5 (102). - Minsk, Education and training. - 2014. - P. 39-45.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Prospects for the development of the market of barrier-free tourism in the world and the Republic of Belarus / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Belarus in the Modern World: Materials of the XIV International conference, October 29, 2015, editor: V.G. Shadursky[et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2015.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Approaches to defining the term ‘accessible tourism’. / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Collection of scientific articles of students, undergraduates, graduate students. Issue. 16 / edito: V.G. Shadursky. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2016. - P.279-281.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. A promising model for the formation of a regional tourist product of the Belarusian Polesye / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Belarus in the Modern World: Materials of the XIII International Conference, dedicated to 93rd anniversary of BSU, October 30, 2014 / editor: V.G. Shadursky[et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2014. - P.271-272.
- Borisenko, N.M. Regional tourist product as a catalyst for socio-economic development of the regions / N.M. Borisenko // Region - 2013: the strategy of optimal distribution: the material of the science-practical conference (Kharkiv, November 7-8, 2013) / Ch. ed. V.S. Bakirov - M.: KNU named after V.N. Karazin, 2013. - P. 252 - 255.
- Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Belarus: Theoretical and Practical Use in Tourism / L.M. Gaidukevich, N. Borisenko. [et al.]. - Minsk: "Four quarters", 2014. - 348 p.
- Borisenko, N.M., Klitsunova V.A. Report on Research "A" "Determining needs of training and advanced training of teachers of tourism courses in universities and colleges of the Republic of Belarus" (Agroecotourism) / N.M.Borisenko, V.A. Klitsunov. - Minsk: RIPO, 2012, P. 35-52.
- Borisenko, N.M., Klitsunova, V.A., Barinova, M.A. Green ways as an innovative tool for the development of ecotourism in Belarus / N.M. Borisenko, V.A. Klicunova, M.A. Barinova // Ecotourism in Kazakhstan: materials of the International. conf. - Karaganda, 2010.
- Borisenko, N.M., Klitsunova, V.A. Green ways of Belarus: the potential for development at the regional level (example of the pilot regions: Vileika, Zelva, Lepel, Rosson, Beloozersk, Volozhin, Rogachev, Ivanovsky, Kruglyansky) / N.M. Borisenko, V.A. Klitsunov. [et al.]. - Minsk: Thesey, 2010. - 140 p.
- Borisenko, N.M., Klitsunova, V.A. Business incubators in tourism: from international experience to our own model / N.M. Borisenko, V.A. Klitsunov. - Minsk: "Country escape" BA, 2009.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Prospects for the development of barrier-free tourism in the Republic of Belarus / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Belarus in the Modern World: Materials of the XV International Conference, October 27, 2016 / editor: V.G. Shadursky[et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2016. P.224-225.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Inclusive approaches in tourism / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Agroecotourism 2016: green economy and creativity: conference materials, December 21, 2016. - Minsk, 2016.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Inclusive tourism: what, how and why? / NM. Borisenko-Klepach // "Disabled People’s RightsOffice ". - Minsk, 2016.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N.M., Lazovskaya N.A., Skradal L.V., [et al.]./ Tourism and recreation for all - we promote universal accessibility. - Minsk, 2017.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Development of the categorical apparatus of inclusive tourism Borisenko-Klepach // Proceedings of the 74th scientific-practical conference of students, undergraduates and graduate students of the Faculty of International Relations of the BSU. Minsk, April 19, 2017 / editor : G. Shadursky[et al.]. - Minsk, 2017. - P.393-395.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Analiz sub"ektov turisticheskogo rynka Belarusi s tochki zreniya razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // ZHurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. – 2018. – № 3-4 (86-87). – S. 88–98.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Sovremennye tendencii razvitiya rynka mezhdunarodnogo turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya: istoriya, teoriya, praktika: materialy VIII nauch.-prakt. konf. molodyh uchenyh fak. mezhdunar. otnoshenij BGU, Minsk, 1 fevr. 2018 g. / redkol.: V. G. SHadurskij [i dr.]. — Minsk: BGU, 2018. –S.121-124.
- Borisenko-Klepach N. M. Informacionnyj bar'er v razvitii inklyuzivnogo turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Sovremennaya turisticheskaya industriya: aktual'nye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya : materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, Minsk, 24–25 maya 2018 g. / BGU, Istoricheskij fak. ; redkoll.: T. A. Novogrodskij, I. V. Olyunina ( – Minsk : BGU, 2018. – S. 46–48.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Osnovnye podhody k ocenke ekonomicheskogo vklada inklyuzivnogo turizma: zarubezhnaya praktika / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Sovremennye tendencii razvitiya mezhdunarodnogo turizma v mire i Respublike Belarus' v usloviyah globalizacii : materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., posvyashch. 20-letiyu osnovaniya kaf. mezhdunar. turizma fak. mezhdunar. otnoshenij Belorus. gos. un-ta, Minsk, 12 okt. 2018 g. / Belorus. gos. un-t; redkol.: L. M. Gajdukevich (gl. red.) [i dr.]. – Minsk : BGU, 2018. – S. 206-215.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Faktornyj analiz razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma v mire turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Sbornik tezisov 75-j nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii studentov, magistrantov i aspirantov fakul'teta mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij BGU. Minsk, 19 aprelya 2018 g. / Redkol. : V. G. SHadurskij [i dr.]. – Minsk, 2018. – S. 437–439.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Specifika razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma v strukture mezhdunarodnogo rynka turisticheskih uslug / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Biznes. Innovacii. Ekonomika. – 2019. –№ 3. – S.226–235.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Povyshenie dostupnosti gorodov dlya lyudej s osobymi potrebnostyami kak neot"emlemyj element razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Acta Geographica Silesiana. – 2019. – 13/2 (34). – S. 11–22.
- Barysenka-Klepach, N. M. Vyhavanne gramadzyanskaj іnіcyyatyvy praz dasledavanne razvіccya іnklyuzіўnaga turyzmu ў Belarusі / N. M. Barysenka-Klepach // Vyshejshaya shkola. – 2019. – № 3(131). – S.26–30.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Analiz razvitiya turizma v stranah ES / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya: istoriya, teoriya, praktika: materialy VIX nauch.-prakt. konf. molodyh uchenyh fak. mezhdunar. otnoshenij BGU, Minsk, 1 fevr. 2019 g. / redkol. : V. G. SHadurskij [i dr.]. – Minsk : BGU, 2019. – S. 82–87.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N. M., Glushakova A. YA. Analiz predlozheniya inklyuzivnyh turisticheskih uslug v gostinichnom sektore (na primere g. Minska) / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach, A. YA. Glushakova // Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya: istoriya, teoriya, praktika: materialy VIX nauch.-prakt. konf. molodyh uchenyh fak. mezhdunar. otnoshenij BGU, Minsk, 1 fevr. 2019 g. / redkol. : V. G. SHadurskij [i dr.]. – Minsk : BGU, 2019. – S.87–93.
- Borisenko-Klepach N. M. Klassifikaciya stran ES po urovnyu razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Belarus' v sovremennom mire : materialy XVIII Mezhdunar. nauch. konf., posvyashch. 98-letiyu obrazovaniya Belorus. gos. un-ta, 30 okt. 2019 g.= Belarus' u suchasnym svece : materyyaly XVIII Mіzhnar. navuk. kanf.; prysvech. 98-goddzyu zasnavannya Belarus. dzyarzh. un-ta, Mіnsk, 30 kast. 2019 g. / redkol.: V. G. SHadurskij [ i dr.]. – Minsk : BGU, 2019. – S. 305–309.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Analiz razvitiya turizma v Respublike Belarus' v 2011–2017 gg. / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Sbornik tezisov 76-j nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii studentov, magistrantov i aspirantov fakul'teta mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij BGU. Minsk, 25 aprelya 2019 g. / Redkol. : V. G. SHadurskij [i dr.]. – Minsk, 2019. – S. 506–508.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Konceptual'nye podhody k razvitiyu inklyuzivnogo turizma v Respublike Belarus' / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Problemy upravleniya. – 2020. – № 1. – s. 62 – 68.
- Barysenka-Klepach N.M. Rolya nacyyanal'naj turystychnaj admіnіstracyі ў razvіccі іnklyuzіўnaga turyzmu / N.M. Barysenka-Klepach // Materialy pervoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Perspektivy razvitiya turizma v sovremennyh usloviyah: mirovye tendencii i regional'nye konteksty». g. Minsk, 28 sentyabrya 2021 g. – Minsk : A. N. Varaksin, 2021. – s.334-341.
- Borisenko-Klepach, N.M., Mozhaeva, L.E., SHevko, N.M. Dostupnost' informacii o kul'turnyh i turisticheskih uslugah i meropriyatiyah kak neot"emlemoe uslovie razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma v Respublike Belarus' / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach, L.E. Mozhaeva, N.M. SHevko // Razvitie inklyuzivnogo turizma v Belarusi i mire [Elektronnyj resurs] : materialy mezhdisciplinar. seminara, Minsk, 11 noyab. 2021 g. / Belorus. gos. un-t ; redkol.: L. M. Gajdukevich (gl. red.), N. M. Borisenko-Klepach (otv. sekretar'). – Minsk : BGU, 2022. — s.11-18.