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Department of International Tourism and Hospitality
Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Agriculture)

Brief information

Natallia Barysenka was born in Minsk. In 2009, she graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University with a degree in Management (in the field of international tourism), later master's and postgraduate studies of the same faculty. From 2009 to 2015 She worked as a project manager of the NGO "Country Escape", which was promoting agro and ecotourism development in Belarus. Since 2013 her main reseach sphere deals with practical issues of accessible and inclusive tourism. As part of her work at the Belarusian State University, she introduced two courses dedicated to this topic.

 Ms Barysenka actively participates in conferences, seminars, trainings, international and national projects. She also initiates round tables, discussions and events on tourism development and accessibility with the involvement of students, teachers, government officials and business. Ms Barysenka actively cooperates with Belarusian NGOs representing people with disabilities. Moreover Ms Barysenka is the contact person of the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT) in Belarus.

 Areas of professional interests: inclusive (accessible) tourism, sustainable tourism, smart

Courses taught
Inclusive tourism development
Making events accessible for all
Fundamentals of research work


  1. Borisenko, N.M., Klitsunova, V.A., «Business incubators in tourism: from international experience to our own model» / N.M. Borisenko, V.A. Klitsunova // Problems of physical culture of the population living in conditions of adverse environmental factors: materials of international scientific research. conf. (Gomel, October 8-9, 2009): Part 2. - Gomel: GSU named after F. Skorina, 2009. P. 194-197.
  2. Borisenko N.M, Klitsunova V.A. «Recommendations for developing greenways: teaching aids / N.M. Borisenko, V.A. Klitsunov. [et al.]. - Minsk: Kovcheg, 2010. - 128 p.
  3. Borisenko, N.M. Tourism product development in the sphere of agro- and ecotourism/ N.M. Borisenko // Eco- and agrotourism: perspectives on local level: materials of III International scientific conference, Baranovichi, May 18-19, 2011 / editor: V. N. Zuev[et al.]. - Baranovichi: RIO BarGU, 2011. - P.23-26.
  4. Borisenko, N.M. Legal problems of agro-ecotourism: an expert assessment / N.M. Borisenko // Eco-and agrotourism: development prospects in local areas: collection of scientific papers / editor: V.I. Kochurko,V.N. Zuev[et al.]. - Minsk: "Four quarters", 2013. - P.11-20.
  5. Klitsunova, V.A. Agroecotourism: teaching aids / V.A. Klitsunova, N.M. Borisenko, Y.I. Anoshko. - Minsk: RIPO, 2014. - 132 p.
  6. Borisenko, N.M, Anoshko, Y.I., Klitsunova, V.A. The development of agroecotourism in the Minsk region / N.M. Borisenko, Y.I. Anoshko, V.A. Klitsunova // Geography, No. 5 (102). - Minsk, Education and training. - 2014. - P. 39-45.
  7. Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Prospects for the development of the market of barrier-free tourism in the world and the Republic of Belarus / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Belarus in the Modern World: Materials of the XIV International conference, October 29, 2015, editor: V.G. Shadursky[et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2015.
  8. Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Approaches to defining the term ‘accessible tourism’. / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Collection of scientific articles of students, undergraduates, graduate students. Issue. 16 / edito: V.G. Shadursky. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2016. - P.279-281.
  9. Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. A promising model for the formation of a regional tourist product of the Belarusian Polesye / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Belarus in the Modern World: Materials of the XIII International Conference, dedicated to  93rd anniversary of BSU, October 30, 2014 / editor: V.G. Shadursky[et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2014. - P.271-272.
  10. Borisenko, N.M. Regional tourist product as a catalyst for socio-economic development of the regions / N.M. Borisenko // Region - 2013: the strategy of optimal distribution: the material of the science-practical conference (Kharkiv, November 7-8, 2013) / Ch. ed. V.S. Bakirov - M.: KNU named after V.N. Karazin, 2013. - P. 252 - 255.
  11. Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Belarus: Theoretical and Practical Use in Tourism / L.M. Gaidukevich, N. Borisenko. [et al.]. - Minsk: "Four quarters", 2014. - 348 p.
  12. Borisenko, N.M., Klitsunova V.A. Report on Research "A" "Determining needs of training and advanced training of teachers of tourism courses in universities and colleges of the Republic of Belarus" (Agroecotourism) / N.M.Borisenko, V.A. Klitsunov. - Minsk: RIPO, 2012, P. 35-52.
  13. Borisenko, N.M., Klitsunova, V.A., Barinova, M.A. Green ways as an innovative tool for the development of ecotourism in Belarus / N.M. Borisenko, V.A. Klicunova, M.A. Barinova // Ecotourism in Kazakhstan: materials of the International. conf. - Karaganda, 2010.
  14. Borisenko, N.M., Klitsunova, V.A. Green ways of Belarus: the potential for development at the regional level (example of the pilot regions: Vileika, Zelva, Lepel, Rosson, Beloozersk, Volozhin, Rogachev, Ivanovsky, Kruglyansky) / N.M. Borisenko, V.A. Klitsunov. [et al.]. - Minsk: Thesey, 2010. - 140 p.
  15. Borisenko, N.M., Klitsunova, V.A. Business incubators in tourism: from international experience to our own model / N.M. Borisenko, V.A. Klitsunov. - Minsk: "Country escape" BA, 2009.
  16. Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Prospects for the development of barrier-free tourism in the Republic of Belarus / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Belarus in the Modern World: Materials of the XV International Conference, October 27, 2016 / editor: V.G. Shadursky[et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2016. P.224-225.
  17. Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Inclusive approaches in tourism / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Agroecotourism 2016: green economy and creativity: conference materials, December 21, 2016. - Minsk, 2016.
  18. Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Inclusive tourism: what, how and why? / NM. Borisenko-Klepach // "Disabled People’s RightsOffice ". - Minsk, 2016.
  19. Borisenko-Klepach, N.M., Lazovskaya N.A., Skradal L.V., [et al.]./ Tourism and recreation for all - we promote universal accessibility. - Minsk, 2017.
  20. Borisenko-Klepach, N.M. Development of the categorical apparatus of inclusive tourism Borisenko-Klepach // Proceedings of the 74th scientific-practical conference of students, undergraduates and graduate students of the Faculty of International Relations of the BSU. Minsk, April 19, 2017 / editor : G. Shadursky[et al.]. - Minsk, 2017. - P.393-395.
  21. Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Analiz sub"ektov turisticheskogo rynka Belarusi s tochki zreniya razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // ZHurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. – 2018. – № 3-4 (86-87). – S. 88–98.
  22. Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Sovremennye tendencii razvitiya rynka mezhdunarodnogo turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya: istoriya, teoriya, praktika: materialy VIII nauch.-prakt. konf. molodyh uchenyh fak. mezhdunar. otnoshenij BGU, Minsk, 1 fevr. 2018 g. / redkol.: V. G. SHadurskij [i dr.]. — Minsk: BGU, 2018. –S.121-124.
  23. Borisenko-Klepach N. M. Informacionnyj bar'er v razvitii inklyuzivnogo turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Sovremennaya turisticheskaya industriya: aktual'nye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya : materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, Minsk, 24–25 maya 2018 g. / BGU, Istoricheskij fak. ; redkoll.: T. A. Novogrodskij, I. V. Olyunina (otv.red.). – Minsk : BGU, 2018. – S. 46–48.
  24. Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Osnovnye podhody k ocenke ekonomicheskogo vklada inklyuzivnogo turizma: zarubezhnaya praktika / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Sovremennye tendencii razvitiya mezhdunarodnogo turizma v mire i Respublike Belarus' v usloviyah globalizacii : materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., posvyashch. 20-letiyu osnovaniya kaf. mezhdunar. turizma fak. mezhdunar. otnoshenij Belorus. gos. un-ta, Minsk, 12 okt. 2018 g. / Belorus. gos. un-t; redkol.: L. M. Gajdukevich (gl. red.) [i dr.]. – Minsk : BGU, 2018. – S. 206-215.
  25. Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Faktornyj analiz razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma v mire turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Sbornik tezisov 75-j nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii studentov, magistrantov i aspirantov fakul'teta mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij BGU. Minsk, 19 aprelya 2018 g. / Redkol. : V. G. SHadurskij [i dr.]. – Minsk, 2018. – S. 437–439.
  26. Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Specifika razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma v strukture mezhdunarodnogo rynka turisticheskih uslug / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach // Biznes. Innovacii. Ekonomika. – 2019. –№ 3. – S.226–235.
  27. Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Povyshenie dostupnosti gorodov dlya lyudej s osobymi potrebnostyami kak neot"emlemyj element razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Acta Geographica Silesiana. – 2019. – 13/2 (34). – S. 11–22.
  28. Barysenka-Klepach, N. M. Vyhavanne gramadzyanskaj іnіcyyatyvy praz dasledavanne razvіccya іnklyuzіўnaga turyzmu ў Belarusі / N. M. Barysenka-Klepach // Vyshejshaya shkola. – 2019. – № 3(131). – S.26–30.
  29. Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Analiz razvitiya turizma v stranah ES / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya: istoriya, teoriya, praktika: materialy VIX nauch.-prakt. konf. molodyh uchenyh fak. mezhdunar. otnoshenij BGU, Minsk, 1 fevr. 2019 g. / redkol. : V. G. SHadurskij [i dr.]. – Minsk : BGU, 2019. – S. 82–87.
  30. Borisenko-Klepach, N. M., Glushakova A. YA. Analiz predlozheniya inklyuzivnyh turisticheskih uslug v gostinichnom sektore (na primere g. Minska) / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach, A. YA. Glushakova // Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya: istoriya, teoriya, praktika: materialy VIX nauch.-prakt. konf. molodyh uchenyh fak. mezhdunar. otnoshenij BGU, Minsk, 1 fevr. 2019 g. / redkol. : V. G. SHadurskij [i dr.]. – Minsk : BGU, 2019. – S.87–93.
  31. Borisenko-Klepach N. M. Klassifikaciya stran ES po urovnyu razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Belarus' v sovremennom mire : materialy XVIII Mezhdunar. nauch. konf., posvyashch. 98-letiyu obrazovaniya Belorus. gos. un-ta, 30 okt. 2019 g.= Belarus' u suchasnym svece : materyyaly XVIII Mіzhnar. navuk. kanf.; prysvech. 98-goddzyu zasnavannya Belarus. dzyarzh. un-ta, Mіnsk, 30 kast. 2019 g. / redkol.: V. G. SHadurskij [ i dr.]. – Minsk : BGU, 2019. – S. 305–309.
  32. Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Analiz razvitiya turizma v Respublike Belarus' v 2011–2017 gg. / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Sbornik tezisov 76-j nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii studentov, magistrantov i aspirantov fakul'teta mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij BGU. Minsk, 25 aprelya 2019 g. / Redkol. : V. G. SHadurskij [i dr.]. – Minsk, 2019. – S. 506–508.
  33. Borisenko-Klepach, N. M. Konceptual'nye podhody k razvitiyu inklyuzivnogo turizma v Respublike Belarus' / N. M. Borisenko-Klepach // Problemy upravleniya. – 2020. – № 1. – s. 62 – 68.
  34. Barysenka-Klepach N.M. Rolya nacyyanal'naj turystychnaj admіnіstracyі ў razvіccі іnklyuzіўnaga turyzmu / N.M. Barysenka-Klepach // Materialy pervoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Perspektivy razvitiya turizma v sovremennyh usloviyah: mirovye tendencii i regional'nye konteksty». g. Minsk, 28 sentyabrya 2021 g. – Minsk : A. N. Varaksin, 2021. – s.334-341.
  35. Borisenko-Klepach, N.M., Mozhaeva, L.E., SHevko, N.M. Dostupnost' informacii o kul'turnyh i turisticheskih uslugah i meropriyatiyah kak neot"emlemoe uslovie razvitiya inklyuzivnogo turizma v Respublike Belarus' / N.M. Borisenko-Klepach, L.E. Mozhaeva, N.M. SHevko // Razvitie inklyuzivnogo turizma v Belarusi i mire [Elektronnyj resurs] : materialy mezhdisciplinar. seminara, Minsk, 11 noyab. 2021 g. / Belorus. gos. un-t ; redkol.: L. M. Gajdukevich (gl. red.), N. M. Borisenko-Klepach (otv. sekretar'). – Minsk : BGU, 2022. — s.11-18.
 Contacts: tel.: +375 17 209 57 43, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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