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Department of Customs Affairs

Senior Lecturer of the Department

Brief information

In 2007 graduated from the Faculty of International Relations (Department of Customs Affairs).
From 2007 to 2011 has been serving in the customs authorities of the Republic of Belarus.
Since 2008 has been teaching at the Department of Customs Affairs of the Faculty of International Relations. Has published scientific works.
Fields of research: foreign trade nomenclature of goods, risk management system, customs commodity cost, customs policy, integration processes.

Courses taught

Foreign Trade Nomenclature of Goods
Risk Management in Customs Control
Customs Value of Goods
Country of Goods' Origin
Transport Facilities

Major publications

  1. Boltochko, P. I. The World Trade Organization: Trends and Development Prospects / P. I. Boltochko, T. F. Tsekhanovich // NIRS — 2006: Collection of abstracts of XI Republican Scientific Conference of Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Students of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Belarus. — Minsk, 2006.
  2. Boltochko, P. I. The Republic of Belarus and the World Trade Organization. Theory and Practice of Cooperation / P. I. Boltochko, T. F. Tsekhanovich / / NIRS — 2006: Collection of abstracts of XI Republican Scientific Conference of Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Students of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Belarus. — Minsk, 2006.
  3. Boltochko, P. I. The System of Customs Regimes in Belarus and the Prospects for Its Improvement / P. I. Boltochko, V. A. Yukevich // NIRS — 2007: Collection of abstracts of Republican Scientific Conference of Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Students of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Belarus — Minsk, 2007.
  4. Boltochko, P. I. Unification and Harmonization of Foreign Trade Nomenclature of Goods in the Republic of Belarus with International Rules / P. I. Boltochko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of VII International Conference, edicated to the 87th Anniversary of Belarusian State UNiversity Creation, October 30, 2008 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: Tesey, 2008. - P. 217.
  5. Boltochko, P. I. Individual Commodities: Demand for the Customs Authorities to Adopt the Decision of Their Classification / P. I. Boltochko // Customs Bulletin. — 2009. — № 9.
  6. Boltochko, P. I. The System of Customs Risk Management and Goods Classification under the Foreign Trade Nomenclature of Goods / P. I. Boltochko // Belarus in the Modern World: materials of VIII International scientific Conference, Minsk, October 30, 2009. — Minsk: Tesey, 2009. - P. 227-228.
  7. Boltochko, P. I. Reasons for Inaccurate Goods Classification During Customs Clearance and Methods for Their Pre-Emption / P. I. Boltochko // Current Isuues of Customs Affairs. - Edition 1. - 2010. - P. 60-64.
  8. Boltochko, P. I. Uniformity of the Foreign Trade Nomenclature of Goods Application in the Custom Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan / P. I. Boltochko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of IX International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 89th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 29, 2010 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2010. - P. 200-202.
  9. Boltochko, P. I. Difficulties with Goods Classification During Their Customs Clearance / P. I. Boltochko [Electronic Sourse] // KonsultantPlus: Belarus. Technologia 3000. / LLC "Unispectr", National Centre of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, 2011.
  10. Boltochko, P. I. Innovations in the Single Foreign Trade Nomenclature of Goods of the Custom Union in Connection with Entering into Force New Edition of Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System / P. I. Boltochko [Electronic Sourse] // KonsultantPlus: Belarus. Technologia 3000. / LLC "Unispectr", National Centre of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, 2011.
  11. Boltochko, P. I. Advancing Customs Costs Levying in the Custom Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan / P. I. Boltochko // Belarus in Modern world: materials of X International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 29, 2011 / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - P. 223-224.
  12. Boltochko, P. I. Foreign Trade Nomenclature of Goods: History and Contemporaneity / P. I. Boltochko [Electronic Sourse] // KonsultantPlus: Belarus. Technologia 3000. / LLC "Unispectr", National Centre of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, 2012.
  13. Boltochko, P. I. Advance Notification in the Custom Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan: Territorial Particularities / P. I. Boltochko // KonsultantPlus: Belarus. Technologia 3000. / LLC "Unispectr", National Centre of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, 2012.
  14. Boltochko, P. I. International Experience in Integrational Unions Establishment / P. I. Boltochko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XI International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 91st Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2012; editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2012. - P. 147-148.
  15. Boltochko, P. I. Advancement of Customs Declaration of Goods System within the EurAsEC Custom Union Functioning / P. I. Boltochko // Belarus in Modern World: materials of XI International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 91st Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, October 30, 2012; editorial board: V. G. Shadurski [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre, 2012. - P. 269-270.

Contacts: tel.: +375 17 209 57 52, +375 29 682 80 26, fax: +375 17 209 57 42; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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